Before You Read

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A quick message I need to deliver about copyright, warnings, and more. Read till end.

                       C O P Y R I G H T:

This story is my original work. This story may not be replicated or copied. I will not tolerate someone copying/stealing my ideas. But really, what will someone get out of copying another person's work?

W A R N I N G:

-threats/violence (mild)
-errors (there will be errors, but I constantly re-read to fix them)


God and Lucifer will be in this story. I am not trying to offend anyone or their religion, so I am apologizing now. If you take anything I say offensively, I suggest you stop reading. I'm not trying to attack anyone - I'm really sorry if I do!

Started: August 12, 2015

Finished: - Febraury 26, 2016

EDIT: I wrote this a long time ago, so it's not my best work. It's mostly unedited, but if you do read and enjoy, please give it a vote or comment.

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