Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Finding Life

Part 28 • Lily

"Are you sick?"

—Lucifer Anderson


"Life, do you have a habit of falling that I should know about?" Lucifer laughs, not knowing the mistake I've just made.

Could I really get pregnant because I gave the existence to myself? I groan inwardly as I remember Death and I's intimate night just a few days ago. It could be possible. But, now isn't a good time.

"Life! Life! Are you listening to me, Life?" Lucifer says, shaking me.

I jolt upright, as if he woke me up from sleep. "Sorry."

I stand up and brush off the dirt and grass that stuck on to me.

"Is everything okay?" Lucifer asks.

"Yeah," I say, "I fell because someone pushed me."

He nods. "That was my fault. Please continue with your work."

Lucifer's pale hair looks so light due to the sunlight and the sound of the waterfall is even more intense. I'm aware of every detail; I can see everything and it scares me.

I shrug it off and force myself to pay attention to Kendra. I let out a deep breath and close my eyes.

All I see is black.


Lucifer was kind enough to take me out of my cell. Since we're on the same page now and he claims that we're equal partners, I get to stay in a real bedroom. He took me to the house he owns and placed me in a guest bedroom.

I don't care much for the appearance. As long as it has a better bed than that horrible cot in the cell, I'll be happy.

What hasn't changed is Elliott watching me. I guess Lucifer doesn't completely trust me yet. Why should he anyway? Elliott has just entered the room with a tray of food. My stomach twists at the thought of eating.

I feel nauseous. Oh, could it be? I can't be pregnant, not so soon. It's only been a couple of hours since I gave myself the existence. It could be different with me, since I'm a Supernatural. Maybe my babies will grow quicker, like the demons.

Elliott walks all the way over to me and hands me the tray. I lay the tray on the red bedspread and reflect on the decisions I've made today. Was it rash of me to believe Lucifer? Sure, there are some things wrong with the AfterLife, but what good does fighting do?

This system that God has is the way that it's always been. I don't think I can change it. I don't think Lucifer and his army of demons can change that by fighting. Who will they fight?

Lucifer claims all he wants to do is destruct the AfterLife until God agrees to his new plans. That won't work. I have to admit to myself that Lucifer's plan is fruitless. I can't go along with it.

I have to leave.

I pick up the sandwich and bring it to my mouth. I can smell it– I smell the mayonnaise and the tomato– and I gag. I force it into my mouth anyway.

Immediately, I regret my decision. I hate mayonnaise and I hate tomatoes and I feel sick. Gagging, I rush into the small bathroom. I can feel Elliott's eyes on me; I can hear his small feet running away.


Minutes after vomiting, Lucifer enters the bedroom with Elliott right behind him. I'm sat on the bed, shaking with fear. I don't want to be pregnant. This wasn't what was supposed to happen to me. I was supposed to leave Death after our two month deal.

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