Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Finding Life

Part 40 • Lily

"Death isn't guilty."

—Lily, God's Helper


God didn't let Sir Bridgemore keep Arden and Elliott in jail. He claimed that they were too young and that they wouldn't be able to leave the City of Angels. He did the same to me.

I begged to go home to Death, but God wouldn't budge. He's stubborn in that way. All I want is to go home and talk to Death and to explain my situation to him. I can't let Death think I'm in jail.

Instead, I'm sitting in some bedroom in the western part of the City of Angels. I can easily teleport if I want to, but sonething is holding me back. Am I scared that God will find out that I disobeyed him? That might be it.

I stare at the ring Kendra gave me. I secretly wish that it would glow, but Sir Bridgemore advised me not to go if it did. He's right— Lucifer knows about the ring so it can be a trap. I still want to talk to Kendra and tell her to stop her plan. E.A.O knows what Lucifer's planning on doing so they can arrest him. Easy.

There's a couple sharp knocks on the door, so I yell, "Come in!"

I turn around just as the door opens- I gasp when I see who it is. How did she get here? This is Heaven and she's a Demon. They aren't allowed here.

"Kendra!" I say, "Why are you here?"

"Shh," Kendra whispers. "Please don't yell. I came to help you."

"You shouldn't be here," I say.

"I know," Kendra says, "I'm a Demon. I know my place."

"What happened to the baby?"

Her stomach is flat and that can only mean one thing.

"Lucifer got rid of all the babies," Kendra says, "He poisoned us, Life. The babies are dead."

I gasp. "Why would he-"

"I was wrong."

"What?" I ask.

"Lucifer's been playing us this entire time. He never wanted to use the Demon babies. Kidnapping you and forcing you to give me and the others an existence was only meant to keep you away from Death," Kendra says.

"What did Lucifer do to Death?" I ask.

No. Don't tell me he's hurt.

"Do you know about Arden shape-shifting as you? How she kidnapped Queen Irene and how Elliott abused her?" Kendra asks.

I nod vigorously, wanting to know what Death's connection to this is.

"Well, Elliott was shape-shifted as Death the entire time," Kendra says, "so Irene thinks Death was abusing her. He's in jail, Life."

My eyes widen and my knees wobble. I almost fall onto the floor, but I grasp onto the dresser to keep me upright.

"Elliott confessed. Death isn't guilty."

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