Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Finding Life

Part 29 • Death

"She was talking to King August and you should have damn well heard what they were talking about!"

—Destiny, God's Helper


The humidity of District 83 is really getting on my nerves. I should have expected it because it's always boiling hot here in the morning. Destiny, my trusted friend, walks along side me on the sand path.

I kick at random rocks that have made their way onto the sand. I couldn't be bothered to do anything work-related right now. I can hear Edith and God screaming for me to do my job.

"So, tell me, Destiny. What made you come to District 83?" I ask.

"I guess this is my safe place. No one I know comes over here. Except you, I guess," Destiny says.

"I don't come here," I say, "I haven't been here in over 100 years."

"Impressive," Destiny nods. "I was in Heaven. I got tired of working with God, so I took a break. As you know, we never stop working; our spirits break up and keep getting the job done, so taking a break didn't bother me."

I nod my head; Destiny's correct, a spirit of a Supernatural is always working. We never take breaks. Yet, I'm only ever satisfied when my physical body gets the job done.

"And so," Destiny continues, "I left the City of Angels and transported across the mountains to Crystal City. I walked into the King's castle, as I sometimes do; I glided into the dining hall and guess who I saw!"

"Who?" I ask, leaning in.

"It was Queen Shaylee! She was talking to King August and you should have damn well heard what they were talking about! That poor old Queen is going crazy all alone in her underground court. I think she needs some oxygen."

I raise an eyebrow. "What are you going on about? What were August and Shaylee talking about?"

"Shaylee was talking about that twin of Lucifer's– Arden Anderson! She's gone missing, have you heard? Oh, yes; Shaylee claims she knows what Lucifer is planning on doing!" Destiny rants, going too fast for me to process.

"Does anyone have any idea where Arden could be? Do you know what Lucifer's plan is?" I urge her to answer.

"That Queen wouldn't tell August no matter how much he pestered her! She was tantalizing him and she knew it. Then, that damn daughter of August's comes crying into the room, claiming that her mom's gone missing!" Destiny shrieks.

"Well, where's Irene?" I ask, worried for her safety.

"She's damn well gone!" Destiny yells. "August went into a frenzy and sent Elizabeth off to God. People always make a huge deal when a royal is kidnapped. I know you weren't here when it happened, but when the King of Hell, Auberran, and his daughter, Princess Juliet were kidnapped, it was the top headline for months! Audrianne had E.A.O searching for her beloved husband and child for a year!"

"Destiny, are you joking with me? This isn't funny! Irene couldn't have been kidnapped," I say, trying to believe otherwise.

"Why would I play a joke on you? I'm being completely serious. Irene isn't anywhere to be found, trust me. The Agents from E.A.O are currently searching Heaven and I think they're going to come back with negative results."

I sigh. I look up and stare at the sky for as long as I can before my eyes start watering.

"Destiny, there's so much conflict going on right now. I don't know what to do. I'm lost." I confess.

"I agree; we need to solve everything immediately," Destiny replies, "Now, tell me, what caused you to come here?"

"It started off when I was in the City of Angels," I say, "God told me about Løv and I's son. Did you know about Erin?"

Destiny gives a meek nod and motions with her hand for me to continue.

"On a whim I go out to find him, but when I reach, he isn't there. I come home to the AfterLife and I'm told that Lily isn't at home! I rush off to Lana, who supposedly knows where Lily is. She did; Lana left Lily at Seelie Court."

"Ah, Seelie Court is nothing! Lily can survive there!" Destiny says.

"Well, guess what I saw when I reached? King Foster was chained to his throne, Queen Shaylee was pacing with a sneaky smile on her face–and this is my favorite part– my son was there!" I say.

"How?" Destiny asks.

"Lily brought him there because Shaylee requested it! She wanted to play her game with my son!" I yell, letting all my frustration out.

Destiny scoffs. "That retched Queen!"

"Erin ends up dying of a kidney rejection! I had only just seen my son and he died! I couldn't believe it. Then, Lily and I took him to the AfterLife. The next day, this morning, you wouldn't believe what I found out," I say.

"Tell me," Destiny says.

"I found out that Lily is working for Lucifer! Not just Lily, but Lily's lady too! I never expected this. I overheard Lily and her lady, Florence, speaking of some plan that they have with Lucifer. They didn't say what it is," I say.

"No!" Destiny gasps. "But she's your wife! And let's not forget the fact that she came from the mundane's world, so she couldn't have been working for Lucifer until she got to the AfterLife."

"I know that, Destiny," I say, "That's why I'm so confused. I thought she was starting to like me; I thought we would have a future. It was all a lie. A damn lie."

The sand path came to an end. All that's left is a beautiful field and Aart Raybould's dilapidated house. His house, a once beautiful mansion, rests in the far corner; I can barely see it.

Destiny and I stop walking. She beckons me to follow her; Destiny leads me to the shade of the tree. I collapse onto the ground.

"What if Irene's kidnapping is the plan Lily and Florence were talking about?" she asks.

I shake my head vigorously, denying Lily's connection to Irene's kidnapping. It can't be true. Lily isn't that sort of person.

She would be stripped of her power as Life and then she would be killed. Lily would be miserable after that.

"You can't say no!" Destiny screams. "It's a possibility. It should be brung up to E.A.O and they can investigate it. Death, you already know that Lily has committed treason for going against her God!"

"We don't know what she's done!" I yell back.

Destiny kicks the tree and groans. I don't know whether she groans from pain, from frustration or from both.

"Lily's damn done for, that's what I know," Destiny says, "She's working with the Devil and that counts as treason."

I don't respond to that. Destiny knows she's right. I pick up little pebbles and throw them as far as I can. I wish I knew what to do. Should I confront Lily? Should I let E.A.O handle it?

No matter what I do Lily will be stripped of her powers. It was her choice. She chose the wrong path when she could have chosen me.

Where did I go wrong?


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