Chapter Six

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Finding Life

Part 7 • Death

"What do you think about God making you and Death and every other Supernatural into his slaves?"

-Marine Anderson,
Princess of the White Side


Lily and I say our goodbyes to Sapphire and Danae. Afterwards, I take hold of Lily's soft hand, which fit perfectly inside of mine, and imagine Arianna's dining hall.

In a second, blackness envelopes us and we teleport to Arianna's for lunch. The familiar sensation of falling comes upon me. The darkness clears up and we're standing in Arianna's dining hall.

It seemed as if the servants had just put down the final plates of food on the table when we arrive. I look around the familiar atmosphere until my eyes come upon Lily.

She looks dazzling in a black and white dress that I had chose for her. It compliments the shape of her body perfectly. Lily's green eyes shine as she looks around and takes in Arianna's white and silver themed palace.

Suddenly, I see a bit of green in the corner of my eye. I turn around and see a familiar green haired girl.

"Well look who it is," I say, "It's Princess Marine, herself!"

Marine rolls her eyes. "Hey, Death."

I leave Lily's side to embrace Marine, something she doesn't like to do. After fidgeting in my arms, Marine gives in and awkwardly hugs me.

I pull apart. "Lily this is Marine, Arianna's daughter. Marine this is my fiancée, Lily."

Marine gives a small wave to Lily as I walk back to her. "She was taken away by Audrianne to be her servant years back. Marine's been cold hearted ever since," I quietly whisper to Lily.

Marine didn't notice me talking to Lily because she's too busy paying attention to her mother as she walked in.

Arianna came in wearing a white gown and her silver crown. Arianna's long hair is silver-blonde, a trait given to her by her father... enemy, Lucifer. I didn't want to dwell on the fact that the two Queens of the AfterLife are in fact Lucifer's daughters.

"Lily!" Arianna squealed.

She rushes to Lily and hugs her. Arianna is a very friendly lady. I must say, Arianna's friendliness and happiness radiates off of her in waves, making everyone around her happy and more comfortable.

I could see Lily being put at ease.

"Let us eat," Arianna says, after chatting with Lily for a few minutes.

Lily agrees immediately because she must be famished. Since Arianna and Marine are both Angels and I'm immortal, we don't need to eat. But, we enjoy the pleasure of it, so we do it anyway.

We all take a seat. This time when I pull out a chair for Lily, she takes it. It brings a smile to my lips and acts as a confidence boost.

"So, Lily," Marine says, "I hear that you're going to be Life. What do you think about God making you and Death and every other Supernatural into his slaves?"

If I were drinking at this moment, I would have spit it all out. Marine, as cold hearted as she is, should not have disrespected God like that. She shouldn't have disrespected us Supernaturals like that.

Destiny, Løv and I are not slaves!

"We are not slaves!" I yell. "We are God's helpers in creating lives. Each of us have a purpose, a very important job to accomplish, so we are most definitely not slaves!"

I add, "If you cannot get this fact in that damned brain of yours, then your mother's and aunt's teachings have been fruitless."

Marine glares at me with hatred in her dark, angelic eyes. She glows pale blue, a sign that she is very, very angry. If looks could kill, and if I were mortal, I would be dead by now.

She laughs. Her laugh resounds through the room, taunting me. As Marine laughs, I wonder why the hell she's laughing. The thought tantalizes me.

"Oh, Death," she says when she stops laughing, "You are not God's helper. You merely took over his job because he became too lazy to complete it himself."

"That is enough!" Arianna screams,
"Marine please leave, right now. Your lunch will be served in your room."

Marine smirks as if she won. She gets up and flips her green hair, confidence evident from her posture.

Marine's words left Lily and I both stunned. What she said is true. God had once completed the jobs of Destiny, Løv and I. Then, I believe God said that he became "worn down from centuries of working".

I don't mind helping the master of the universe out. Perhaps he still needs more help so he has been looking for a person suited to become Life. That person will be my Lily.

"I am so sorry," Arianna says, "Death, you know how she is. Marine justs speaks whatever comes to her. There's just no self-control."

Maybe Arianna is right. But, I think that Marine does things like this to get her mother's attention. Marine was taken away from her life in the White Side when she was 15 to go to Hell and she's been there ever since.

When Marine went nasty, it wasn't too much of a shock to me. What else did people expect? Marine is an Angel who grew up in Hell, surrounded by Devils, so naturally, she's as cruel as they are.

Suddenly, I realize I did the same thing to Lily. I took her away from her life on Earth and expected her to become a Supernatural being and my wife. But we're different than Marine. Lily and I are meant to be.

The story of Life and Death is written by God, himself.


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