Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Finding Life

Part 30 • Lily

"What did you say?"

—Lucifer Anderson, The Devil


"Stop it! Stop it!" I yell.

My voice is scratchy and I sound dead. I squint and the first thing that I see is big, dark eyes. I feel at peace in this red duvet. Who's trying to wake me up?

"Wake up," he says, in a childlike voice. "You were having a nightmare."

Elliott. Has he really been here all night?

"Get dressed," Elliott continues, "Everything you need is in the bathroom."

I hear him walk away. Hesitantly, I get out of bed and drag myself to the bathroom. I pick up the toothpaste and toothbrush; I unscrew the toothpaste and place a nice dollop on my toothbrush. The smell of sweet mint fills the air.

I drop the toothpaste and brush onto the floor just as I taste the bile in my mouth. I let out the disgusting vomit into the sink.

When I'm done, I give the sink a good wash and force the toothpaste into my mouth.


Now that I'm wide awake after that refreshing wake up call, I sit on the bed obediently. I don't have anything to do until Lucifer or Elliott tell me to do something.

Opposite my bed is a full length mirror. I can see my reflection as I'm sitting on the bed. Elliott left me a comb and hair ties, so I put my long hair up in a ponytail. That was a smart idea on both sides because I assume I'll be throwing up a lot today.

The clothes I was left are all black: a leather jacket, leggings and a cotton t-shirt. It's not exactly my ideal outfit, but it's not like I can ask for something else.

The door opens and in comes Elliott carrying a tray of food. He lays it beside me.

"Thanks," I mumble as I take the glass of water.

I don't feel hungry and it's not like I have to eat. I eat the side of strawberries anyway, praying that it won't cause me to throw up.

As I'm about to eat the last strawberry, the door bursts open. Lucifer walks in, wearing an all black outfit too. We're both wearing the same leather jacket. I cringe because it looks a million times better on him than me.

"Lily, I hope you're doing well!" Lucifer gushes. "I wanted to let you know that we have a guest!"

"Who'd you bring?" I yell.

I hope he hasn't kidnapped someone else like he kidnapped me.

He smirks. "Someone special."

"Let me meet the person!"

"No yet," Lucifer says.

I furrow my eyebrows. "Why not?"

"Let's just say this guest is still getting used to being in a cell," Lucifer says.

I groan. "Why do you need another person to use? You already have me and the twins!"

It's Lucifer's turn to furrow his eyebrows. He's not confused, not at all. "What did you say?"

He clenches his fists and screams even louder, "I repeat, what did you say?"

"I-I...nothing," I stutter.

"I am not using Arden and Elliott. They're my children, Life!" Lucifer says.

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