Chapter Forty-One

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Finding Life

Part 42 • Lily

"So tell me what's going on."

—Irene Glass, Queen of Heaven


Crystal City, Heaven.

The palace guards won't let me in. I tell them over and over that I need to speak with Irene, but they won't budge. I completely understand why. The last time 'I' was here, 'I' kidnapped Irene. The palace guards don't know that it was really Arden Anderson, not me, but explaining the story won't help. They won't believe me.

Eventually, Irene walks out of the palace door. She looks pale- but I can't say I spot much difference from the last time I saw her. Same blond hair, same Angelic glow. A woman wearing all black—I suspect she's an E.A.O. Agent—walks behind Irene.

"Hello there, Lily."

"Please Irene, allow me in. Or talk to me here. I don't care; this is extremely important," I beg.

"Are you here to beg your forgiveness? Your husband's?" Irene asks.

"No- well, yes," I say, at the verge of tears.

I grasp onto the metal bars that separate me and Irene.

"I did not kidnap you. It was Arden Anderson. She can shape-shift and so she fooled everyone into thinking she was me. This all happened a week or so ago. Arden kidnapped you and her brother Elliott was the one who abused you."

Irene laughs. "Please be frank with me Lily. Do you think I'd fall for that rubbish?"

"I'm telling you the truth," I say.

"The truth is that two children kidnapped and harassed me?" Irene mocks. "How believable."


"I've heard enough," Irene says.

"Actually," the Agent behind Irene says, "she's telling the truth. Sir Bridgemore caught me up with case yesterday."

Irene turns around and faces the Agent. I stare at them as they speak in hushed whispers. If the Agent knows the truth, then she's on my side.

"Very well," Irene says, "Let her in."

Irene turns around and walks back into her palace, while the gates open for me. By the time the gates are fully open, Irene and the Agent went inside. I stare at the palace for a quick second, remembering the last time I was here: Death took me here right before I turned Supernatural. At that time, standing on clouds and a castle adorned with crystal amazed me, but now, I can care less.

I run into the palace.

"So tell me what's going on."

"Lucifer has been playing us," I say, "About a week ago, I was in Seelie Court. Lucifer came and kidnapped me. I'm pretty sure he erased the memories of all the people present and replaced the real me with Arden. Lucifer took me to his house in Dark Falls, where he wanted me to create Demonic existence.

Therefore, I did just that. I didn't have much of a choice. I impregnated the Demon women. Then, Lucifer told me he had a guest. He wouldn't tell me who, but now I figured that guest was you.

Elliott, Arden's twin brother, helped me escape. We went to the City of Angels where we met God and Destiny. That's when I found out you were kidnapped and people thought I was in jail. But, it was really Arden in jail. We went to E.A.O. headquarters and explained the situation to Owen Bridgemore.

Eventually, Owen interrogated Arden and Elliott and they confessed. Arden kidnapped you and Elliott abused you. So you see, this was Lucifer's plan. He used me to get to Death. If Elliott didn't help me escape, Death would have been stripped of his powers, which is exactly what Lucifer wants. He should be punished, not Death."

"She speaks the truth," the Agent says.

Irene nods.

"Please don't press against Death. He's completely innocent."

"I- I guess you're right Lily," Irene says. "But when did you get pregnant?"

"When I was with Lucifer-"

"Did that bastard–"

"No!" I half-yell. "I accidently gave an existence to myself. The baby is Death's child."

Irene sighs. "Well, congratulations. Have you told him?"

"No. Owen said I'm not allowed to meet him until after his trial."

"Nonesense," Irene says, "You're his wife. Come, let's go to E.A.O. and chat with Owen."


Again, I'm in E.A.O. headquarter's waiting room, asking to speak with Owen Bridgemore.

Irene's Agent, who's name I learned is Violet, is talking with the lady behind the desk. Within a couple minutes, Violet walks back to Irene and I.

"Owen's in a meeting," she says, "but we'll get to meet him when he's done."

"Good," Irene says.

"You know, Lily," Irene continues, "Pregnancy might be a good thing for you and Death."

"How? We're in such a big mess right now and my due date is tomorrow."

"Don't worry too much about it," Irene says, "Death will be out of jail in no time. You two can go home and rest. The baby can be born at home and then you, Death and the baby should leave the AfterLife. Go on holiday somewhere- maybe on Earth. That way, you'll get to see Earth one last time before Audrianne's Demon War."

"I don't know."

"The baby will only make you and Death closer," Irene says, "When Elizabeth was born- oh, August and I were so happy. She's such an Angel."

"Literally," I say and laugh.

Irene laughs too. "What will you name her?"

"What if it's a boy?" I ask.

"I think it's a girl," Irene says. "Has she kicked?"

I shake my head. "Is that bad?"

"Don't know. You'll be alright, though."

I think about what I'd like to name my child. Instantly, I know exactly what I would name my son. My daughter- I'm not too sure about.

"If this is a baby boy, I would name him Auridan," I say.

Auridan saved me from spending eternity in Zenith. He said he would always be there, and maybe he forgot about his promise, but I don't care. He helped me once and I'm grateful for that.

"What a nice name. What if the baby is a girl?" Irene asks.

"I don't know. Maybe Death can choose that."

Irene smiles and seeing her smile makes me giggle.

After all, smiles are contagious.

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