Chapter Fourteen

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Finding Life

Part 15 • Death

"Welcome to Crystal City."

-Death, Master of the AfterLife


After all the guests left, I give all the servants an order to clean up the garden. Obediantly, they set out to do so, while Lily and I went upstairs.

"Come," I beckon her, opening the door to my bedroom.

She walks to me, her heels making a loud sound on the floor, and enters the bedroom. I go inside and close the door behind me. Lily is sitting on the bed, the white sheets mixing in with her white dress.

I remind myself to praise Arachne on her outstanding work on Lily's dress.

At the moment, Lily is taking off the assortment of rings on her fingers, leaving her wedding ring on. She stands up and places the rings on the  nightstand.

Then, she looks at me and says, "Can we talk about what Foster said? I don't get what he means and I feel like you know more than-"

"It's our wedding night, Lily--I don't want to talk about possible conflicts," I respond.

I walk up to her and caress her cheeks, making her lips part in anticipation. Quickly, I lean down, since she's shorter than me, to kiss her. We stand there, kissing, for some time before falling on the bed and continue kissing.

Lily's lips are soft against my own and my desire for her only grows stronger with every second that passes. I guide my hands to her back, finding the zipper of her dress and pulling it down. The bare skin of her back is left open, soft to the touch.

"I-I can't," she says as she pulls away from me.

"Of course," I sigh.

Well, what did I except? In the back of my mind, I know that Lily, whom I've only known for a week, would never give herself to me.

I add, "It's late, anyway. You can take the bed."

"No," Lily quickly says, "I'll go to my room so that you can take the bed."

I shake my head. "Lily, don't you remember what I said? We'll be sharing the master bedroom from now on."

I pick up a pillow and a blanket from my closet and lay down on my cream colored sofa. I will the lights to turn off, leaving us in the dark.

As I shut my eyes, Lily says, "Death, can you turn the lights back on?"

"Why?" I ask.

"So that I can get some clothes and change," Lily says. "And don't you want to change, too?

Heat rises up to my cheeks at my stupidity. I was about to sleep in my suit and I had left Lily with her dress' zipper down. I make the lights turn on, hoping that I'm not blushing anymore.

Lily rushes out of the room, holding her dress up with her hands, to her room, most probably. I, on the other hand, walk to my closet and pull out a black shirt and soft pants. Then, I walk into the bathroom, as I have always been doing, and change.

For some reason, I was compelled to look in the mirror. I stare at my brown eyes, and I wonder if they're actually black or if it's just the lighting. I turn on the sink and splash cool water over my face, making the redness of my cheeks disappear.

After drying off my face with a towel, I walk into the bedroom the same time Lily is walking in. She changed into black shorts and a striped shirt. Awkwardly, I walk back to my temporary bed. When Lily has made herself comfortable on my bed, I will the lights to turn off, leaving us in a cold darkness.

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