Chapter Fifteen

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Finding Life

Part 16 • Lily

"Our dad lets us do whatever we

—Elliott, the Angel's son


"Right behind you," Destiny says, pointing at someone behind Death.

He turns around, only to be embraced by a man wearing a silver button up, white pants and a matching blazer. He must be God.

Well, what am I supposed to do? What does someone do when they are standing in front of God?

Both men let go of each other at the same time, which is when I get a good look at God. His hair is black but fading white and grey strands shine throughout. His skin is wrinkled, especially the skin under his brown eyes. God smiles, his eyes looking into my own.

"Lily," he says, "I am God."

I nod my head, not knowing what to say. Death, still beside me, looks at me and smiles.

"Can we get on with it?" Løv asks harshly.

Destiny glares at her. "We've got all the time in the world, Løv."

Løv rolls her pale green eyes. She wraps her hair around her finger, just like some of the girls in my high school used to do.

"I believe she's right," God says, "Let us start the ritual."

He snaps his fingers and suddenly I'm sitting on top of a bed with my back resting against the headboard. Death and Løv are standing at my right side and Destiny is sitting at the foot of the bed. Destiny's strawberry blonde braid hangs loose at her side.

I see now what Death meant when he said Destiny is only a young girl. Her skin is blemished and untouched by makeup, leaving her skin not dull, but glowing. I turn around to face Løv and at this moment I wish I look like her.

I'm sure that's what everyone thinks when they first see her.

Løv looks like the girl that every boy would fall for, so of course Death married her. Her brown hair hangs in loose waves up to her elbows, her pale green eyes, or perhaps they were blue, stared directly at me. Løv,
too, isn't wearing any makeup, but she still manages to look flawless.

God stands on my left side with a steel cup in his hand.

"Drink this, dear," he says and hands me the cup.

"What is it?" I ask.

"That," God says, "Will make you immortal. Drink this and you will become my helper, a being known to the world as Life."

I hold the mixture to my mouth and I notice it's a dull yellow with bright orange specks, as if God added orange glitter to the drink. With my fingers crossed in hopes that this tastes good, I take a sip.

"You have to drink it all," Destiny says, "Quickly."

Death nods his head in agreement as his fingers intertwine with each other, nervously.

I take another, larger sip, and I don't taste anything. I keep on drinking, not tasting anything, while a drowsy feeling washes over me.

I can feel the mixture running down my throat and through my entire body. It feels unnaturally calming—I feel like I should be shaking and crying, but something makes me not want to do that. Rather, I am feeling peaceful and at ease.

The cup falls from my hand and my vision starts to get blurry. The drowsy feeling I had only moments ago washes over me, again. I see Løv biting her lip and God smiling.

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