Chapter Thirty-One

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Finding Life

Part 32 • Lily

"Won't Lucifer be able to track you down or something?"

—Life, God's Helper


"Ugh," Elliott groans. "Throw up is disgusting."

"Elliott," I say, "I told you I'm sick!"

"You didn't seem sick until now," Kendra says.

I can't help myself. Tears start trickling down my cheeks and I can taste the saltiness of them. I wipe the tears, trying to focus on Kendra. Stop crying!

Lucifer's right. I am weak.

"I'm pregnant," I tell Kendra.

"Are you?" Kendra asks.

I nod my head. "Yes. I gave myself an existence accidently."

Kendra looks like she wants to say something, but she can't form the words. After a minute, she says, "Do you wish you weren't?"

"Well, I wasn't expecting it," I say.

"We have to go," Elliott interrupts.

"I'll see you soon Kendra," I say. "Won't I? You'll call when you need me, right?"

"Of course," Kendra says.

I follow Elliott out of the room. The hallways are deadly silent as we walk to who knows where.

Curious, I ask, "Where are we going?"

Elliott stops walking. He turns around and looks at me in the eye.


"I want to be a nice person," Elliott says, "So I'm letting you escape."

"What?" I say. "Are you telling the truth?"

I smile a big, goofy smile and Elliott looks at me strangely. I'm getting to leave this damn place!

"You were right," Elliott says, "I shouldn't be helping Lucifer. His plan is wrong and I have to tell my sister this. We're going to escape Lucifer's house together."

"Won't Lucifer be able to track you down or something?" I ask.

"No," Elliott answers. "I told you I only listen to my sister. There's a reason for that but I can't explain it now. What I'm trying to say is only my sister can track me down."

I scrunch my eyebrows together. What the hell is he talking about?

"Let's go," Elliott says.

He grabs my hand and drags me through the hallways. After minutes of walking, Elliott stops. He's looking through the opening in the wall to the living room. I can hear men and women whispering and walking. Their footsteps are incredibly loud.

"What's going on?" I ask Elliott.

"Nothing," Elliott says.

He's obviously lying to me. Something strange is going on in the living room and Elliott doesn't want me to know what it is.

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