chapter 1

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  Grant high school is a  very popular school in New York.That is where Melanie and Allison go to school. They were chosen to go to this program that they applied for. If they win they will become Interns at " Hammond Enterprise. " This could be a good opportunity for the twins to do. There were some other students from other places going to compete as well. This was all gonna be taking place in the city of Rome, Italy. They couldn't believe this was happening to them this summer after the fact that they had so much fun not to long ago in Paris with their grandpa.

Melanie: Can't believe this is happening to us after we get back from visiting grandpa in Paris. 

Ally: Yeah, this is so awesome how all of this is happening to us so fast. Just hope this experience is a good one just like when we went to Paris for spring break.

Melanie: Yeah, it should be because we are very smart girls and learn fast. We also get along with people well. 

Ally: That's true. We have to get mom and dad to sign the papers,so we could turn them in today. School ends for the summer this week and they need to know if we will be representing the school.

    Soon as the girls got ready for school they went down stairs to talk to their mom and dad about signing the papers. They walked down the stairs and into the kitchen and found them getting breakfast on the table , so they sat down to eat and talk to them.

Ally: Mom and dad. We need to talk to about signing some papers that need to be signed this week cause the school is waiting on us to hand them in to them.

Dad: What's that? We would like to know.

Ally: We have this opportunity to go be interns at " Hammond Enterprise. " Its a good opportunity for us and would look good on a collage application. 

Mom: Where would this all take place?

Melanie: It will take place in Rome, Italy.

Dad: Tell the school you will let them know tomorrow because we need to discuss it and then make a decision in the morning before you go to school.

Melanie: OK...That sounds good. Just hope you will let us do so. 

With that the girls headed to their car and drove off to school. 

  When the girls arrived at the school they went up to their English teacher to talk to her for a minute.

Mrs. Winter: Hi girls come on in.

So, the girls walked into the classroom.

Mrs. Winter: How may I help you girls today?

Ally: Could we give you our answer tomorrow if we will be able to take this trip to Rome coming up? Our parents need to talk it through today before signing the papers.

Mrs. Winter: Yeah, that would be fine. Can't delay anymore then that because they need an answer because if you can't go they will have to get two more students to do so. 

Ally: We will have an answer for sure tomorrow.

Mrs. Winter: Sounds good. Now go get ready for school.

With that the girls went to their lockers to get the books they would need for their morning classes. Now they would be thinking about what their parents were gonna say when they got home from school today. They were in hope that it would be some really good news. 

  Meanwhile, the parents were talking about letting the girls go on this internship in Rome for the summer.

Cindy: Well, if we let the girls go to Paris and they came back safe we should let them go to Rome. Don't get me wrong they will be watched over by the people of the company and we have to trust them because they are gonna graduate soon and be on their own. They need some trust.

Rob: You're right that does make a lot of since. They need to branch out and take these great opportunities by the hand before they don't have a chance to see those parts of the world later on in life.

Cindy: So, its settled when they get home we can tell them we signed the papers to let them go.

Rob: Yes, that's right.

Now they were gonna wait for the girls to get home to tell them what's going on.

  Soon as school was over the girls got the stuff they needed to go home with from their lockers and then got in their car to go home. They couldn't wait to go home to talk to the parents now.

   Soon as the girls pulled up in the driveway they got their bags and went in the house. They found their parents sitting in the living room. They were waiting on them to come in the house. When the girls got in the house they found their parents sitting in the living room waiting for them to get there. The girls sat down and started to talk to them.

Ally: We are excited to hear what you have to say about us going to the internship in Rome for the summer.

Mom: We have have an answer for you two.

Mel; What's the answer? We can't wait any longer. It's killing us to know.

Dad: Well, girls we can't let this opportunity slip away for you, so we decided to let you go on this trip.

Ally: Thank you so much for letting us go.

Dad- We already talked to Mrs Winter and told her you girls will be going to Rome and we signed the papers as well. We thought you would be excited when we told you.

Ally- We are so excited to be able to go. Thank you so much for this.

Mel- You won't regret it. 

Dad- We better not.

Now the girls couldn't wait to be going to Rome to do this internship this summer for their college application. They are hoping to go to " Stanford " in the fall. This is their dream college they wanna go to. Ally heard they have a great design program and she loves fashion.  When they got up to their room they both got ready for school in the morning. 

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