chapter 27

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The last dinner in Rome with Mr Hammond 

      In the girl's room they all were getting ready to go to this last dinner here at the Enterprise. They all couldn't believe that this experience was coming to an end now. They all had the best time that they all could have and wished all were invited back next summer to relive this again. They all made some good friends and memories that will last a life time. When they all get home they will have to start getting ready to start college and start getting ready for their futures.

   As they were getting ready for this dinner that Mr Hammond planned for this evening they started to talk to each other. 

Layla-  Can't believe this summer went by so fast.

Hydie- I wish it didn't end. Wanna stay here longer. I love it here.

Mel- Yeah! But, two of us will be able to see this place again next summer when we find out in a little bit who get's to come back here.

Hydie- Yeah! But, I wish we all were gonna be able to do so. I will miss this.

Ally- We all can stay friends once we leave here if you all want to. 

( They all agreed to stay friends since they didn't want that part to ever end. )

They all agreed to that because they all wanted to be friends for a very long time and they all came a long way together here on this internship. 

In the guys room

  The guys were talking as they were getting ready to go to dinner as well. The guys were hoping that Mr Hammond had something up his sleeve tonight that will keep them all together for next summer's internship. They didn't take long to get ready, so they got a jump start on the packing they had to do, so when they got back to the room they won't have much more to do before they went to bed.

Tim Wu- I am gonna miss this place once I leave here. Palo, your lucky to live here because this place is beautiful.

Palo- Sometimes I wish I could just leave here for a while and live somewhere else. I lived here all my life and I now would like to go to the united states and live. I never been there and it would be nice.

Tim Wu- Why don't you move in with me if you can.

Palo- I will have to think about it and let you know. Your a cool person. 

Tim wu- That sounds good. I know that's a big step to take and I don't want you to just do it if that's not what you want to do for sure.

Palo- I may have a decision by the time you all have to leave in the morning. 

Tim wu- I'm not pressuring you.  Take your time and you can let me know soon as you have an answer for me.

Palo- OK

  When it was time to finally go to this last dinner with Mr Hammond they all went to the deck where they would be having it to start. They all were kinda nervous because they were thinking about who would be chosen to come back next summer. When they all arrived Mr Hammond was nowhere to be seen, yet. Lisa was on the deck when they all got there. She walked over to start talking to them because she saw the looks on the interns faces and they looked surprised that Mr Hammond wasn't there,  yet.

Lisa- I know you you all are wondering where Mr Hammond is right now and to tell you the truth I don't know at the moment. He might be getting something for this last dinner or finishing up some work he was doing. We should find out soon.

Ally- Hope he gets here soon because we all would like to know who is gonna be getting the internship next summer. 

Lisa- He should be here any minute. We just have to wait for him to finish whatever he is doing here right now.

  As they all were talking to pass a few minutes away Mr Hammond arrived and they all were excited to see him arrive  finally, so they all can get this dinner started. Mr Hammond walked toward all of them as they all gathered around to see what he was gonna say now that he was there with all of them on the deck.

Mr Hammond- I would like for all of you to take a seat, so we can start eating before we start talking about anything important. I don't want the food to get cold because I had all of you waiting long enough while I finished up a meeting on a video call I got before I had to come up here with all of you. 

   With that said they all made there way to the table and took their seats that they always sit at when they come up here for the special dinners that Mr Hammond had prepared for them. Soon as they took their seats the butler came and started to put the drinks and food on the table for them all to eat. They were having a steak dinner for the last meal that they all were gonna have  before they would leave in the morning. They all were talking about the great times that they all had here this summer while they were working and Mr Hammond told them his favorite memory of the summer  was the fashion show. he couldn't believe the incredible job that they all did  one that day. It was such a secces. The best one they ever had here at the Hammond Enterprise. They Had great ones, but not like this one. Once they all got done eating they all were getting excited to find out know what was gonna go on for next years internship. Mr Hammond stood up to announce that he was now gonna start talking about the internship next year. 

Mr Hammond- Now that everyone is done eating we can get down to business.  You all will be going off to college when you get home, so I have here the papers I wrote out for this internship. Take the one that is yours home with you.

( He handed it to Palo and they all started to get the one that was theirs. When they were done passing them out Mr Hammond started to talk to them once again.)

You all can look at those when we are done here. Right now I know you all wanna know who got the internship next summer. I have decide that all of you will be coming back.  I had a great summer with all of you and I loved how the fashion show turned out. I know you all will do a great job next summer now that you know how this internship works now. So,  when all go home home and go to college I want you all to do great like you did here by giving it your all. Now have a good night sleep so you can get home safe. See you in the morning before you all leave to go to the airport.

With that they all thanked Mr Hammond for all he did this summer and the paper he wrote for them.  Then with that they went to their rooms to get ready for bed and make sure that they had everything. They have to get up early in the morning to get ready to go the airport and go home. 

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