chapter 7

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    When dinner was over what the Mr Hammond they all went to their rooms to get ready for bed. They will have to get up early in the morning. This is something they are gonna have to get use to while they are here for the summer. They had to expect it when they signed up to do this.

  The girls we're in their room getting ready and as they were getting done Ally saw an envelope slide through the door. She went over and picked it up.When she did she took it into the the relaxing area of the room. She had to wait for Mel to get out of the bathroom to have them all gather around to read it.

   Meanwhile, in the guys room they didn't take to long to get ready for  tomorrow because they don't have girl issues at all. When Palo came out of the bathroom he saw an envelope slide through the crack of the door he wanted to know what was going on with it. He figured that it had to be Mr Hammond who sent Lisa to deliver this. 

Palo- Hey, I need everyone to gather around. have to do something right now before we go to bed. 

Tim Wu- We will be right there in a minute Palo.

Tim Wu was still in the bathroom. They couldn't start without him because this must be a important envelope if they got it at night. 

    When Mel got out of the bathroom Ally told all the girls to gather around for a minute before they went to be for the night.

Ally- As everyone was getting ready for bed I seen this envelope slip through the door. I think that Lisa sent it threw for all of us to read now before we go to bed. I'm gonna read it now.

The letter
by: Mr Hammond

Dear interns,
I would like you all up bright and early and ready t go to work right at 9 am. We will work til 5pm every day except for weekends. You may have some fun this summer. I would like to have dinner around 8 pm starting now. So, don't disappoint me. I don't wanna have to send someone home.

 Now when Ally got done reading the letter they went to bed. They needed all the sleep they could get for tomorrow. it was gonna be a very long first day of work ahead of them.

    Back at the guy's room they were all waiting for Tim Wu to get done. When he finally did get done Palo could carry on what was important , so that they could go to bed when they got done here.

Palo- Everyone gather around right now. We got an important envelope with an important letter in it . We have to read it now. Lisa must have sent it to us.

The letter
by: Mr Hammond

Dear interns,
I would like you all up bright and early and ready t go to work right at 9 am. We will work til 5pm every day except for weekends. You may have some fun this summer. I would like to have dinner around 8 pm starting now. So, don't disappoint me. I don't wanna have to send someone home.

  When he finally got done reading this letter to the guys they all went straight to bed for tomorrow. They know their first day on the job was gonna be a very long one. Once they get the hang of things it shouldn't be too bad at all.

Intern job starts
   Today is the day. The first day as interns for Mr Hammond. They couldn't fail to mess up anything or they could get sent straight home. That would not be good for any of them if that happens. They were all hoping that they would do well on their first day on the job. Everyone got up at 7 am to get ready for the first day. They all were excited to finally be getting started on this internship now. But, the girls were way more excited about this then the guys were at the moment. Girls usually do get more excited then guys do about things that they want unless it was a gay guy and that changes things. They get just as excited as a girl does. 

    In the girls room they all were getting in the shower and getting dressed They needed to be down in the lobby by 9 am to have breakfast with Mr Hammond. This internship was a 8 hour job every day and on the weekends they could do what they want just long as they don't get into any trouble along the way. 

Mel-Can't wait to start this job today for Mr Hammond here. This is gonna be an exciting day for us.

Layla- Just hope things go well for everyone. 

Ally- That would be nice and I hope if we mess up on our first day Mr Hammond would be nice and not let anyone go because we are just learning how to do our jobs here.

Daria- It will work out the way it should for all of us. Just have to wait and see how things go for us along the way.

Now they needed to get finished getting ready and not talk because that could make them late and that would be bad for them. After the girls got done getting ready for the day as interns they went down to the lobby to go to breakfast. Soon as they arrived they saw Lisa and they were on time. Now they just had to wait on the guys to get there and then they could go to the dining hall to have breakfast with Mr Hammond.

   Meanwhile, the guys were in their rooms still sleeping til 8 am because they didn't take long to get ready for things here. When their alarm went off they both got up and started to get ready for the first day on the job. The guys were now already to go to the dining hall to breakfast as well. They were headed that way as well. Soon as they got there Lisa was proud of all of them for being right on time today. She was hoping that this will stay this way as long as they were here.

Lisa- Ok, interns. I am glad you all got the letters I put threw the doors last night and that you are beyond on time. I hope this is setting the tone for you to be great at this job and please Mr Hammond as we do this all summer.

Ally- Yes, ma'am. We are serious and we wanna do the best we can and not disappoint Mr Hammond.

Lisa- Now with that said we need to get into the dinning hall, so we could have some breakfast with Mr Hammond before you go to work.

They all followed Lisa to the dinning hall to eat with Mr Hammond now.

Dining hall
  After all the the interns came into the dining hall and sat down Mr Hammond came in about 5 mins later to have breakfast with all of them.

Mr Hammond- Well, today is the first day of work for all of you. Bet you all are so excited to finally start this day now. Well, I'm ready to see what all of you got to take on this job for me. I am gonna pair you up into pairs. You will be working with the same partner as long as they are still here til this internship program is over with. Just hope you all make it and have me a make the most hardest decision of the summer when this is finally over with. We will have to wait and see what will go on as the time passes. Now lets eat before we all get started on the work that is a head of us for the day.

With all of that said from Mr Hammond they all rushed to eat the food that was placed right in front of them.

Lisa- Ok, interns. I am glad you all got the letters I put threw the doors last night and that you are beyond on time. I hope this is setting the tone for you to be great at this job and please Mr Hammond as we do this all summer.

Ally- Yes, ma'am. We are serious and we wanna do the best we can and not disappoint Mr Hammond.

Lisa- Now with that said we need to get into the dinning hall, so we could have some breakfast with Mr Hammond before you go to work.

They all followed Lisa to the dinning hall to eat with Mr Hammond now.

Dining hall
  After all the the interns came into the dining hall and sat down Mr Hammond came in about 5 mins later to have breakfast with all of them.

Mr Hammond- Well, today is the first day of work for all of you. Bet you all are so excited to finally start this day now. Well, I'm ready to see what all of you got to take on this job for me. I am gonna pair you up into pairs. You will be working with the same partner as long as they are still here til this internship program is over with. Just hope you all make it and have me a make the most hardest decision of the summer when this is finally over with. We will have to wait and see what will go on as the time passes. Now lets eat before we all get started on the work that is a head of us for the day.

With all of that said from Mr Hammond they all rushed to eat the food that was placed right in front of them. He wanted them to be able to get their jobs done on time here. 

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