chapter 3

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   Now as the time was passing by the girls did some shopping and got some nice things to take with them. Like some new clothes and toilet trees. They couldn't take anything open like shampoo and things. They wanted to make sure they had what they were allowed to take on the plane, so they don't get nothing taken away from them. The days were going by so fast and they were just about done with everything. That Friday evening they were gonna spend some time with their mom and dad before they have to leave on Sunday. They have graduation tomorrow afternoon at 5pm. It's gonna be a busy day for them once it comes about. 

Mom: Soon as your dad gets off work today we are gonna go out to dinner since this is the last night we get to spend with you for a whole summer you will be gone. 

Ally: That sounds nice of you to do that for us. 

Mel: We would love to spend sometime with you before we live on Sunday. We will miss you both a lot, but this experience will prep us for when we go off to college soon as well.

mom: That's so true. Never thought about that. We will miss you though.

Ally: We will miss you, too

  While, the girls waited for their dad to come home they went up to their room and went through all of their stuff and made sure they had everything they would be needing for this trip. They didn't want to forget anything they may need to take with them. 

Mel: Can't believe in the morning we are gonna be graduating from high school before we leave to go to Rome.

Ally: Yeah... we have to make this trip count because this could help us to get to Stanford college when we graduate

Mel: We'll do everything we can to get this internship for sure

Ally: If we don't get it I don't know what will happen. Stanford could turn us down if we don't have something good on their application.

Mel: You're so right. We better make everyone proud

     About an hour later their mom came to their room to get them to go to the restaurant because their dad was finally home from from work now. The girls were glad that he was done now. They wanted to see him before they graduate tomorrow. Their mom got to spend the whole day with them. Now they wanted him. They all got in the car and left right away. They had reservations for this restaurant because this place gets packed from time to time. When a place is like that it more then likely means its a place to go to. They didn't want eat at a crappy place at all. When they arrived at the restaurant they parted the car and walked into it all together. They waited in line till it was their turn to talk to the hostess that deals with reservations and seating everyone who would come in. 

  Soon as it was their turn to talk to the late she asked them if they have a reservation.

Rob: We have a reservation for 4 under Dawson. 

The hostess: Ah I see it right here in the book. Right this way, please. 

With that that they followed the lady to their table for the evening. 

The hostess: Here is your table for the evening. Your waiter will be here in a minute.

With that she left to do her job. Just then the waiter came to the table. He looked to be about 17. The same age as the girls. He was good looking as well. 

Dallas: Hi!!! My name is Dallas. I will be your waiter for the evening. What may I get you to drink while you look for what you want to eat?

They all told them what they would like to have to drink and then Dallas went to go get them while they looked at the menus. Soon as he came back he handed everyone a drink that they wanted. 

Dallas: Now are you ready to order?

Rob: Yeah, that would be nice. I would like the steak medium rare with a bake potato and a side salad. BBQ ranch dressing, please.

The girls wanted to have the same thing as their dad.

Cindy: I would like to have chicken and a salade with a bake potato. 

Dallas: OK, I'll go put your orders in now then.

So, with that he went to go place the order for them.

  The family was having a good time tonight at the restaurant spending some time together. The parents didn't want it to end tonight, but they needed to let the girls grow up and go on this trip Sunday. When the food got to the table they started to eat it before it got cold Before they left the place Ally had to go to the bathroom, so they waited for her to come back. She went and found Dallas.  When she did she told him she wanted to talk to him before she leave. So, he took a minute to talk to her. 

Dallas: What's up?

Ally: My name is Ally and I wanted to give you my number before I leave here and go to Rome for the summer.

( She slipped him her number then he grabbed her phone and put his name and number in it with a picture of him.)

Dallas: I'll call you.

Ally: Sounds good.

With that she went back to her family and then they went back home for the evening. 

  When the girls were in their room Ally started to talk to her sister before they went to bed. 

Ally: You know how I said I needed to go to the bathroom before we left the restaurant?

Mel: Yeah, I remember.

Ally: Well technically I didn't go to the bathroom. I went and gave Dallas my number and he did the same. Look how cute this picture is of him.

Just then she showed her the picture he took for her.

Mel: He is so adorable. Sucks though because we are leaving for the summer.

Ally: I'm gonna try to make this work while we are there. 

Mel: Ok...sounds good. Well, we need to get to bed because we have to get up early to start getting ready for graduation coming up at 5pm.

So, with that they went to bed for tomorrow.

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