Chapter 23

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   Now today was the day that the interns were gonna help save tim Wu and Hydie's jobs. They all were tired from helping look for the clothes, but they need to get things done before they leave saturday. They all need to make sure Mr Hammond is happy with all of them. When they all got tup for the work day they got dressed. They all wanted to get to breakfast  fast as they could, so they can get this information to Mr Hammond fast as possible.

In the girls room 

  As the girls were getting ready for the day they were all talking to each other.

Hydie- I am so hoping with all the information we gathered up last night will help us stay here till saturday.

Ally- It will because all Mr Hammond wanted was for you and Tim Wu to find the clothes and we all helped you do so.

Daria- She has a point there. It's great we did and we need to find out what Mr Hammond thinks, too before we start work.

Mel- We need to get down to the lobby  right now, so we can get things done.

The girls finished getting done and went to the lobby.

  When the girls got to the lobby the guys were there waiting on them to get there.They all were 15 mins early. Just then Lisa came to the lobby.

Lisa- Hi, everyone. I can't believe you all are here early. What's up?

Palo- We need to talk to Mr Hammond about something because it's important that we do.

Lisa- He is in the dining hall waiting on you with Frank.

Mel- We need to talk to him without Frank.

Lisa- Well, let me go see if that could be arranged for you. 

With that Lisa went to the dining hall to see what she could do.

   Mr Hammond saw Lisa walk in without the interns. He didn't know what was going on at the moment. He waited for her to get to the table to find out.

 Mr Hammond- Hey, where are the interns at?

 Lisa- Let me talk to you out in the hallway for a minute, please.

Mr Hammond- Ok, I'l be right back, Frank.

So, with that he followed Lisa out in the hallway to see what she wanted.

Mr Hammond- So, what's going on that the interns aren't here, yet?

Lisa- I talked to the interns before I came  here and they told me  they needed to talk you without Frankin the rom.

Mr Hammond- Alright, bring them in and Frank won't be here when they get here. 

Lisa- Alright, I'll be right back.

She went to get the interns and Mr Hammond got Frank to leave the dining hall.

     Lisa returned to the lobby when he got done talking to Mr Hammond. She had to get interns now, so they could get things done now. 

Mel- So, what did Mr Hammond say?

Lisa- He said he will tell Frank to leave the room. He wants to hear what you all have got to say.

Palo- Great! 

They all walked straight to the dining hall to get things started. They went right in the dining hall when they arrived and sat down.

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