chapter 15

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      The dinner that all the interns had last night went really well with Mr Hammond. They all were very excited that he was happy with all of them. All the interns got to live to see another day. Now they have got to make sure they keep seeing more as time went by as they continue working here in Rome. 

     Now with time going by this week they all were doing pretty good at the jobs they were doing for Mr Hammond. They all got a surprise visit from him while they were working. He had them all working at the enterprise one day this week to be  able to see how they were doing at the assignments that were given to each of them.  All of them had no clue this was why he was doing this, but it is his company and he can do whatever he would want to do to make sure who is in the Enterprise was doing as they were told. Kinda of a good thing he did that because Palo and Ally could get in trouble if he knew about the GPS he was using to help them get the jobs done sooner and having free time to themselves.   The company was going well at the moment and now that this summer internship was up and running. They had more help and more things were getting done. The company works a lot faster when Mr Hammond hires more help to come in. The interns work for free, so that is why they have them and he likes helping people with college acceptance in the process. When the program was over he was gonna write a good letter for each of them to turn into the colleges they apply to when they all get back home. All of them couldn't wait to sumit their college applications once they got home with the letters they get from Mr Hammond.  Tomorrow was gonna be the start of the weekend and this was the last work day until Monday when they all will have to go to work. They all were gonna kick back and relax some and go out in the city to do some looking around, but first they all needed to get this dreadful day over with. They all were tired and needed a break. Mr Hammond mentioned there was a beach near by and they all might head over there tomorrow and hang out for a while and they have a shop there for them to buy swimwear for the occasion because they weren't sure they were gonna be doing anything like this because it was an internship after all. But they guess Mr Hammond had a heart and wanted them to enjoy the time they have here.

    All of them were trying to get their jobs done right, so this weekend would be a good one. The job's were easy to do today due to Mr Hammond wanting to let them off early today. He wanted to have some kind of bonfire dinner tonight outside in the back. They didn't realize that the beach was right there that close to them because he needed them all to focus on their jobs. The jobs that they were doing today would allow them to be done by 3 pm if they do them right without any mistakes whatsoever. They all were looking forward to this special dinner that Mr Hammond has planned for tonight. he was gonna cook out for everyone. He hardly ever does this for anyone, but he wanted to do this for them because they were doing pretty good with everything they were given to do so far. 

      When 3pm rolled around they all got to go to their rooms to relax for a little while. They didn't have to be at the special dinner party til around 6pm. Mr Hammond was having people help him set this dinner up, so when they all get there they will be able to pick what they want for dinner and he will cook it for them on the grill. There will be steak, hot dogs, sausages, hamburgers and chicken to choose from. They all were in their rooms relaxing and  talking to pass time away til they were gonna get up and get ready for this dinner. They were gonna dress casual because they will be outside for the evening. 

Ally- Can't wait to go to this dinner tonight. We haven't eaten outside , yet. Let alone haven't seen the back of this place, yet.

Layla- This must be the reason why he hasn't done so, yet. He wanted to surprise us with this little party and show us tonight.

Daria- Yeah, I wouldn't put it past him if this was what he had planned all along.

Mel- Well, let's just enjoy it tonight and have fun. 

Ally- We will.

When they got done talking for a little bit they all went ahead and started to getting ready for the night. They can't wait to see what was gonna happen tonight when they got to this dinner.

    Meanwhile, the guys were hanging out in their room til it was time to go out and have this dinner with Mr Hammond. They already got ready soon as they got in the room before they laid on their beds to relax for a while and talk. They couldn't wait to check out the view of this beach from where they were staying at right now. Then tomorrow they were gonna finally be able to enjoy this beach for a while and have fun as a group.

Palo- Can't wait for this dinner to happen soon. It's gonna be different considering that we haven't gone outside of this place, yet , to eat. 

Tim Wu- Yeah, this should be fun. And tomorrow as well when we get to go to this beach he told us we could go to to hang out for the weekend on. 

Palo- Maybe, he will let us have dinner out there all weekend. That's if tonight goes well and he likes the idea.

Tim Wu- That's true. 

     When the time was near they all made sure they were finished getting ready before they all went down to where the back was. It was gonna take them to this beautiful balcony where it was all set up for the dinner cookout tonight.

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