Chapter 17

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     Today was the day the interns get to go to the beach for the day. They all couldn't wait to get down there and have some fun. The group were all up and getting ready right at 7am. They all were gonna meet in the lobby around  9am to got to breakfast before they went to the beach at 10am. Mr Hammond wanted them to eat some breakfast first before they left here and he wasn't gonna keep them long.He knew they might have planned on what time they were gonna go down and start having fun here. He had Lisa  deliver the food to each of the interns rooms, so they could eat while they got ready for their day.

     While, the girls were getting ready Ally heard a knock on the door, so she went to go answer it. When she answered the door she saw Lisa their with a roll away cart full of breakfast food, plates, drinks, and silverware. When she saw that she was thinking they were gonna save time now that they didn't have to have breakfast with Mr Hammond here this morning.

Lisa- Mr Hammond wanted me to give you this breakfast cart to eat while you were getting ready. He thinks you all have a set time you wanna get to the beach and don't wanna mess it up. He doesn't have anything to say at all this morning. 

Ally- Tell him thanks for us.

Lisa- I will. Enjoy!!!

With that she left their room and went to get the cart she had for the guys as well and headed to their room next. 

Layla- Hey, who was at the door?

Ally- It was Lisa and she gave us this cart to eat breakfast here while we were getting ready to go to the beach. It was all Mr Hammond's idea.

Daria- That was nice of Mr Hammond to do though.

The girls all grabbed some food and ate before they all left. They didn't have much time, but they ate.

    Meanwhile, the guys were in their room done getting ready for the day ahead of them. They were sitting around waiting to meet the girls when they heard a knock on the door, so Palo went to go answer it. 

Palo- what do we owe this visit right now?

Lisa- I am here with a cart full of breakfast food from Mr Hammond. He figured you all could eat while you get ready for your day on the beach.

Palo- That was nice of him to do that. Tell him we say thanks.

Lisa- I will.

When she got done giving out the breakfast carts she went to go see what else Mr Hammond would want from her for the day. The guys ate real fast before they had to leave for the beach.

Beach time

     Now when the interns got done eating their breakfast  that Mr Hammond had sent to their rooms they grabbed their stuff and went straight to the lobby. It was just about time for all of them to meet up and leave to go to their fun day on the beach. They all couldn't wait to get this day started already. When the time came they all were right on time in the lobby. 

Ally- Is everyone ready to go and have some fun on the beach today to unwind from the busy week we all had here?

Hydie- Yeah, we are so ready to unwind from this busy week we just had. So, let's get this fun started and head down to the beach right now.

Now with all that said they all went down to the beach with everything they would need. 

       As they got down there they saw a shop across the street where they all could go and get a swimsuit and things.  All of them went and looked at what they had once they walked across the street to do so. The girls couldn't wait til they got to the surf store to see what they had.

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