chapter 20

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      The whole  experience here in " Rome " has been a great one for the interns this summer, but it's ending here this week. They all couldn't believe how fast this summer  was going and they had only this week to go through and then it will all end for some of them if that's what Mr Hammond decides here. The fashion show week is the last week of all of this and they were gonna work harder than ever to prove they need to come back next summer. 

   All the interns couldn't wait to start the work today for this fashion show and see what parts they will be doing to help when they get down to the dining hall to have breakfast with Mr Hammond and Frank. They all were up and excited as they got ready for this day to start the last week. The girls were getting things ready and getting dressed while they all were talking to each other. Ally walked over to her night stand by her bed she was sleeping in. She grabbed her tablet and turned it on before she got her clothes on for the day. Once she got dressed she sat  on the bed and got on messenger for facebook. She wanted to talk to Dallas before they started the work today.  As she was on messenger the other girls were getting dressed and talking.


Ally- Hey

Dallas- Hi

Ally- I'll be coming home 

this weekend

Dallas- That's great

Ally- Starting this fashion show 

work this week 

Dallas- Sounds like fun

Ally- I can't wait for this 

Dallas- I can't wait 4 u 

2 come home 2 start a 

relationship w/ u

Ally- me 2

well, ttyl

When she got off the girls were gonna be heading to the lobby for breakfast.

     Back at the guys room they both were up at 8:15am to get ready to work on this fashion show stuff they had to do for Mr Hammond here. As they were getting ready they talked to each other.

Palo- This week is gonna be so busy for this fashion show on Friday.

Tim Wu- I'm excited about it right now though. I wanna get to the end of the week to find out what Mr Hammond has in store for us.

Palo- That would be nice. I wanna know what he has planned because how can he make a decision on who stays if he is having us all work together.

Tim Wu- I don't know. He must have it all planned out or he wouldn't be doing this to us.

Palo- That's true. You have a point.

Tim Wu- well, we better get to the lobby right now.

With that they went down  to the lobby to meet up with everyone.  

   The girls were already in the lobby at the time the guys arrived there, so with that they all went on their way to the dining hall. They wanted to see how this week is gonna workout. This breakfast better get done with fast, so they can start this work and see what will happen. Mr Hammond had them all sit down when they got there and the butler brought out the food and drinks right away. He wanted them all to eat their food first thing before he did any important talking about what might go on here for the day. 

Mr Hammond- I would like you all to start eating first before I start to talk to you all about what will be going on today. Frank and Lisa are here to help me with things all week to make sure you all are getting along here.

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