chapter 9

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The assignment and team time
    Soon as they all got done eating the butler cleared the table before Mr Hammond started to talk to them. He didn't want to interrupt them when Mr Hammond was giving them important speeches when they get done eating. Lisa and Frank were both in the room when he was gonna do this assigning for all of the interns because they were gonna be involved with some of the things they do here for the Enterprise this summer.Lisa  was gonna write down the groups and the assignments to keep track of who is gonna be doing what with who. She needed to know where they all were gonna be when they are doing things here and make sure things are in order. Frank might pop in from time to time to see how they are doing as well because he was a partner here for the Enterprise. He was in agreement with the interns being here for the summer because they could use some help this summer with the things that were gonna be coming up for the Enterprise. Everyone was really excited to be here at this moment in time because they really wanted to know the assignments and what jobs they will be working at. Now wih that Mr Hammond got started with everything. 

Mr Hammond- I am now gonna tell you who is paired up with each other and what department you will have when you start your jobs tomorrow at 9am in the morning. This should work out if you all get along with the person you are working with this summer. If you don't do the job right then you won't do the internship and won't have a chance to return for next year. So, do your best and keep your mind on the prize. I run a tight business here and My partner Frank and Lisa Know what goes on and they are strict people and won't put up with anything that shouldn't be going on here at all, so keep that in mind when you work and all the decisions you make here. 

Now with that said I am gonna tell you who your partner is and what job you have.

Team #1
1. Layla
2. Daria
your job will be to go pick up things for me and deliver things when I need them done.

team #2
2. Tim Wu
copy room

team #3
1. Ally
2. palo
run errands

Team #4
1. Mel
Mail room

Now that everyone has their assignments and partners I would like you all to get ready for tomorrow. This is gonna be a long day and I want you all to be able to work well.

Ally- We are all excited about the jobs and partners we are all assigned to.

Daria- We can't wait to start our assignments in the morning and we will be on our toes.

Tim Wu- We are just excited to be working for a man like you and this will help us get into the college we want in the summer. 

Mr Hammond- Yes, this internship will look good on a college application and if you do well here I will write a recommendation for you, but if you don't do well I can't write one because I don't wanna lie for you to get into college. This is your future and it's what you make it here, so do your best and it determines on you what you want out of the internship here this summer.

Palo- We will do our best here and try hard to make you proud while we are here. 

Mr Hammond- That's all I want and to hear. So, with that said go to our rooms now and get ready to go to bed because it's gonna be a long day here tomorrow and you need to be rested up for the day that is coming ahead of you now. 

So, with that they all went up to their rooms to get ready for tomorrow since they would have to be up super early to start the jobs they were given.

    The girls were so excited when they got to the room with the assigned jobs they were give here tonight when Mr Hammond made the announcement. They couldn't believe they were given jobs with the guys. This was a good thing,but they better not mess anything up though. Before they went to bed they started to get in the shower because they wanted to waste no time getting ready for the start of the jobs they were assigned in the morning. As the girls were getting ready for tomorrow and for bed  tonight they talked.

 Mel- Can't wait to finally start the intern job in the morning.

Layla- This should be great. I wanna be able to have this internship on my college application once it's over with.

Ally- We all do. I'm sure of it here.

Daria- I agree with you all. We all want that, so we need to do our best here, but in the meantime we need to finish getting ready for bed, so we get up and ready on time in the morning. 

So, with that they finished up getting ready to go to bed for the morning.

   Back at the guy's room they were getting their showers and getting ready for bed as well. They wanted to get done and go to bed. They wanted to see how this is all gonna work starting in the morning once they get done eating breakfast with Mr Hammond. They knew they had to do that before they start the work day. 

Palo- This is gonna be a great summer here in Rome. Trust me because I lived here for a very long time and this place is amazing. Never been here at the Enterprise and never met Mr Hammond till I came here to do this internship. 

Tim Wu- I am just glad I got chosen to be here working for him. I don't have much to put on my application and I really need this right now.

Palo- That's great though if we don't mess up and you will have this for the application to turn in to get there in the fall.

Tim Wu- That's true, but we need to get to bed now for work in the morning.

So, they went to bed once they both got done talking to each other and got ready for bed.

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