chapter 16

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The special dinner

    Now when everyone got ready and grabbed what they all needed they all headed to the balcony were Lisa had them follow her to the balcony to show them where it was. When they all arrived to the balcony  they all couldn't believe what they were seeing at that moment in time. It was totally gorgeous. They were seeing why Mr Hammond didn't show them this place just, yet. He wanted them to focus on work for the time being. But, tonight and the weekend they were allowed to use this place and they saw the beach that he was talking about. They were gonna be able to use that as well long as they do a good job at the work they were suppose to be doing here at " Hammond enterprises " They will be invited back to use this place here.

     Soon as they stepped out on the balcony Mr Hammond had them all sit down, so he could talk to them before they started with  this get together here. They figured he would wanna talk to them before they started to have some fun here to kick off this fun weekend. Lisa  and Frank was also invited to this get together as well. 

Mr Hammond- I am glad you all are here and this week was going well for everyone. I am glad we all got over that one bump in the road as well. Now I would like for all of us to enjoy the evening and have fun. If everything goes good from now on we will be doing stuff like this more. So, let's get started. I am gonna cook the food and I would like you to come over to the grill and tell me what you would like to have from the choices I picked for the evening. 

So, with that they all went and told him what they would like to have for the evening.

     When they all got done telling  Mr Hammond  what they would like to have for dinner he started to cook it on the grill. Then all the interns started to hang out and talk to get to know one another a lot better  since they really can't do that during the week because they all don't work in the same departments here. This was the point of tonight for all of them to get to know one another as they all are in the same place at once where they can walk around and do what they want instead of just the dining hall. When Mr Hammond looked over at all the interns they all were around each other talking. He thought this was a great thing he had going here this evening and that it was working out so good right now. 

Ally- This is so nice of Mr Hammond to do for us right now.  He didn't have to do this at all, but he did.

Palo- Yes, it is nice of him to do for all of us. Now we can't mess up our jobs because we don't wanna mess up a good thing we have going on here. If we do we could lose all of this here. I know none of us want that to happen here at all while we are here because we are trying to get into college and I know it would look good on the applications for us if we put this internship on it.

Layla- We are gonna try hard to make sure we are on track and not mess up. None of us wanna get sent home. 

Mel- So, what time would everyone like to meet up and go to the beach tomorrow?

Daria- How about we all get ready and meet in the lobby say around 10 am, so we don't waste away too much daylight.

Ally- That sounds like a great idea here. We all will be there to go down to the beach for the day. This should be a lot of fun.

     When the food was done Mr Hammond called for all of them to come over to the table that was here on on the balcony, so they could start eating before the food got cold. They all walked over to the table and sat down and started to eat. Mr Hammond was so proud of how well they all were getting along as the night was going on.  

Mr Hammond- I am so proud of all of you tonight. I am proud at how well you all are getting along. Just hope that it stays that that way. I like to see that all the people that work with me can get along with everyone they are working around and have to see on a daily bases. Now I would like to know how this is.

Ally- On the behalf of all of us interns here we are grateful for being here and The dinner is so delicious right now. Thanks for everything you are doing here for us, sir. We will make you proud.     

Mr Hammond- That is great to hear that. Now when we are done here you have til midnight to enjoy the balcony and then you will need to go back to your rooms for the night,

So, with that they all enjoyed the rest of the evening.

   Around 10pm they all went back to their rooms to get ready for bed. They all were excited about tomorrow because they were gonna go to the beach and have some fun. But, they were gonna have breakfast with Mr Hammond first like they are suppose to do while they are here. The deal with Mr Hammond is to have breakfast and dinner with him at the assigned times they are suppose to, so in case he needs to say anything to them before and after work each day. Once they do that they start their days here for the " Hammond Enterprises. " 

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