chapter 19

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      The whole group had a day of fun planned to go to the beach today and they all were up at 8 am to get ready to go down around 10 am. They were all getting things they would need to have when they get there and getting dressed because they had to have breakfast with Mr Hammond first before they left till it was time to come back to the Building to get ready to have dinner with him at 8 pm. They were all excited to be hanging out together and all this week on the same project. They never would have thought Mr Hammond would put them all on the same project while they were there as interns. They thought they were all working against each other to see which two would come back next summer to work with him here. Mr Hammond has something up his sleeves and they all wanted to know what it was because this project wasn't gonna work if they all are working on the same one here this week. It will work the way Mr Hammond wants it if nothing here this week goes wrong, but the group all has a feeling something will go wrong because in situations like this something does and someone will go home, but they are gonna try their best on this and see how this works.

     As the girls were getting ready they were talking to each other.

Mel- Hope this week is a good one. Wanna see all of us together to the end of it, so we can make it harder on Mr Hammond to choose just two of us. 

Laylia- That would be good if he had a hard choice to make and then he would have to keep us all and have us all back next year.

Daria- Laylia,  does have a good point here.  Hope this is his plan because we all should be able to come back and work for him. 

Ally- We'll have to wait and see when the end of the week comes, but for now we need to get done and get down to the dining hall to meet up with Mr Hammond.

So, they all finished getting ready for this breakfast and the day on the beach here. 

    At the guys room they were done getting ready for the day because it didn't take long for them to get ready, so they talked while they were waiting to go see Mr Hammond for breakfast.  What they were really waiting on was to go hang out on the beach with the girls. They had fun when they were altogether and on the beach. 

Palo- Can't wait to get this breakfast done here this morning,  so we can all go hang out on the beach.  This is gonna be a fun time like the other ones we had here. 

Tim wu- Yeah, hope this week we all will be able to come back next summer if Mr Hammond has something planned like this. That would be awesome.

Palo- I like working here and I made Good friends here as well. But, whatever happens we have got to deal with it in the long run. I am dealing with the fact I can't be with Ally because she met someone before she came here and wants to try to have a relationship with him when she gets back home. 

Tim Wu- I can understand that because you live here and she live in the states. 

Palo- Yeah,  that's what she said when we talked about it. 

Tim Wu- Well,  we better get to the dining hall, so we won't be late.

So, when it was time they all went down to the dining hall to have breakfast with Mr Hammond before they left to have fun today.

The dining hall

    When they all arrived to the dining hall Mr Hammond was sitting at the table waiting for them to get there. Once they got into the room they all sat down where they usually sit when they come in, so they could start the breakfast. After they all sat down they got their food to start right away. Mr Hammond noticed that they were all kinda eating faster than they normally do.

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