Chapter 28

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Day the interns leave Rome

   Today was the day that the interns were finally leaving Rome to go back home to start college.  This was gonna be an experience that they all will never forget. The best thing that came out of all this was that they made some good friends and get to come back next summer to redo it all over again. Mr Hammond made the best choice by letting them all get to relive this experience once again. 

    When the alarm went off they all got up to start getting ready because they had to be right at the airport by 10 am to get their fights back home. It was gonna be a long flight for all of them once they get on. They had to get a shower and eat something before they could leave the room to meet with Mr Hammond and Lisa for the last time. He had their breakfast sent to the room, so that way they had enough time to get ready and meet him down in the lobby at 8:45 am. The drivers were gonna take them all to the airport at 9 am. 

   In the girls room they were talking while they all were getting things done to leave. They all were sad at the moment, but they know that they will be keeping in contact once they get back to the states. They all don't live to far from each other.

Ally- It's gonna be sad once we leave here because Palo has to stay here in Rome. It's gonna cost a lot to talk to him on the phone. Hope he keeps in contact over the internet because I will miss him unless he takes up the offer that Tim Wu gave him the other day.

Hydie- who would wanna leave here? It's so beautiful here, but don't get me wrong I love living in the states.

Mel- We will find out here soon what his decission will be. He said he will let Tim Wu know today before we leave here and then we will all know the answer, so don't worry.

Ally- I know. Let's just get ready in head down to the lobby because it's almost time to Mr Hammond and Lisa.

Layla- Agreed!!

In the guy's room

  The guys were all ready to go down to the lobby to see Mr Hammond and Lisa for the last time before they had to leave the Hammond  Enterprises. So, they sat in the room to talk for a few minutes because Palo had to give Tim Wu an answer about if he was gonna move with him to the states to live or if e was gonna decide to stay here in Rome.

Tim Wu- Have got an answer for me about moving to the states with me?

Palo- Yeah, cause time is about to run out and I have to make sure you know what's going on when you go back. So, my answer to that question will have to be yes. I wanna make a change here in my life and try something new like I did here this summer with this internship. You all are so cool and would like to see you all more. 

Tim Wu- That's great. Can't wait till we tell the girls what you decided when we get down to the lobby. 

Palo- I know! Exspecially  Ally. She really wants me to move to move to the states.

Tim Wu- I feel it. 

   when the time came to meet up with Mr Hammond and Lisa the interns grabbed all of their stuff and headed straight down to the lobby to meet up with them fro the last time that they will see them before next summer. Palo was gonna have to let Mr Hammond know that he will be moving cause he offered him a job since he lived here in Rome. Soon as they got to the lobby they both were standing their waiting on them to arrive. Once they all arrived to the lobby Mr Hammond had them all gather around real quick, so Him and Lisa could say one last good-bye. 

Mr Hammond- Listen up, interns. Gather around. I am so proud of all of you and what we accomplished this summer. Yes we had some downs , but we turned it around and it all worked out the way it was suppose to. I will miss you all, but we all will be back again next summer to do this all over again, but this time you all will know what to do. And I would like to know Palo what is the answer to the question I asked you a while ago.

Palo- My answer is gonna have to be a no. I appriciate you asking, but I would like to go back to the states with my friends and see what else is out there besides Rome since I been living here all my life, so far.

Mr Hammond- No hard feelings. I will still see you next summer when all of them return to do the internship again.

Palo- Yes, you will. I  will be living with Tim Wu when I get everything done here to move to the states and be back for the internship next summer. Thanks for everything you done for all of us while we where here.

They all hugged then then they grabbed their bags and went to the cars to head to the airport so they wouldn't miss their flights back home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2018 ⏰

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