chapter 26

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Fashion show time 

    Now the time was approaching fast and all the people were starting to arrive to the building to get their seats for this special show. the interns were getting very excited now and kinda nervous because they put a lot a work into this hoping Mr Hammond was gonna be pleased with what they have done as well as the people that were hired to help with it to get the jobs done. The guys were getting all the people seated while the girls went and found the seats that were reserved for them. The seats were right in the third row because there were very important people that are coming that paid a good amount of money that need to sit in the first and second rows. Lisa peaked in the hall that was reserved for the fashion show to check up on things before her and Mr Hammond took their seats. Everything was looking good to her, so she went to get Mr Hammond and have him take a look as well. Once she found him she told him to come with her and he peaked inside and looked around the place and thought it was looking good so far, too. Now they have to watch the fashion show to see how it was gonna be to judge if it was gonna be a succes as well. 

   At 1:45 Pm the guys, Lisa, and Mr Hammond went to take their seats because it was about time to start. As he was taking their seats outside the hall Frank was trying to get into the show to see how it all turned out, but they weren't letting him in. He was giving them a bunch of hell and causing a scene. Someone came up to Mr Hammond to talk to him. He was wondering what kind of problem they could have right now because everyone should be here and have a seat already.

Mr Hammond- What could be the problem?

The Man- Sir, Frank is trying to get into the fashion show and we told him he is not on the list and that he ain't allowed on the property, but he won't listen  to me. What should we do?

Mr Hammond- I will come out and deal with it then.

Lisa- What's wrong?

Mr Hammond- Frank is here and I have to go out there and deal with it real fast.

So, with that Mr Hammond went out in the hall to talk to Frank. Soon as he got out there he started to talk to him.

Mr Hammond- Frank, you have got to go. I told you you are not allow on the property ever again or you will be arrested right away. 

Frank- I just wanted to see how the fashion show turned out and I won't come back again.

Mr Hammond- If you don't leave right now that cop over there will take you to jail.

Frank- Just let me do this and I will never come back.

( Just then Mr Hammond motioned the cop to come right over )

Soon as the cop came Mr Hammond talked to him. 

Mr Hammond- Arrest this man. He is not allowed on the property and he knows this, but he won't leave. I told him he would be arrested and he resist to go. 

The cop- Yes, sir. I'll take him away right now, so go an enjoy the show you are hosting.

The cop put Frank in handcuffs and escorted him off the property straight to jail. Mr Hammond went back to his seat.

Lisa- So, is Frank gone?

Mr Hammond- Yes, he's going to jail now for not listening to me.

Lisa- Ok. 

With that the show started right on time. The models started to come out and the show was going so well. They now were hoping that they sell somethings and get great feed back on everything. Everyone's hard work was paying off now.

      The show lasted two hours and the interns were loving it because they got to see all the work they helped do for it. As all the people were leaving they filled out the feed back cards and some people bought the clothes that were modeled here today. Mr Hammond was satisfied with the stuff that was happening and he will be in a good mood this evening when he has dinner with the interns. They thought everything they did went well and they all thought thought he was gonna be in a good mood when they went to the special dinner that was set up for them out on the balcony. Lisa wanted to talk to them before they went to the rooms to get ready.

Lisa- I wanted to talk to you all for a second before you all get ready for dinner.

Layla- Are we in trouble for something?

Lisa- No, I just wanted to let you know that You all get to keep the clothes that you are wearing for a great job you all have done today for the show. The fashion department wanted me to let you know, so you don't have to return the stuff.

Mel- Thank you! We all are thankful for them to do this for us.

Lisa- Now you all may go back to your rooms and get ready now.

When they all got done talking to her they all ended up going to their rooms. This was a long day so far, but the day wasn't over. They all still had to go to dinner and then come back to the room and pack everything up to go on their flights back home to where they all live. They had such a great trip and they all would wanna come back if they could to do it all over again. Now they hope things go great at the dinner in like an hour or so. They haven't seen Mr Hammond at all after the show was over, so they will have to wait and see how he feels soon. 

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