chapter 21

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      Now today is Wednesday and the interns were doing a good job on everything here at the " The Hammond Interprise " Today they were gonna be doing something a little different here and Lisa was gonna explain it before they all get ready for the day of work. They all didn't know this was happening and this should be interesting. When they all got up they started to get ready for the day like they normally do. The interns have no clue that Lisa was gonna talk to them today before they start the work they are suppose to do for the day because She or Mr Hammond didn't say anything at dinner last night,

    When they all arrived to the lobby they all stood there with Lisa standing there to make sure they all were on time for the job. Soon as everyone arrived she started to talk to them all.

Lisa- I would like to talk to you all before the day starts because Mr Hammond wanted me to do so. I am suppose  to tell you that him and Frank won't be able to go to lunch with you all today, so you have an option to eat here or eat out. Tim Wu and Hydie are gonna go run an arrend for the fashion show  to pick up a  rack of clothes and bring  them back here, so that will give them a chance to go to lunch at the restaurant near by and the rest of you will be able to eat here. So, let's make today a good day and not to try and mess up on  anything that is given to you or you will be sent home for sure. Mr Hammond don't want any mess ups at all. Now you all may leave and do your jobs.

    Mr  Hammond and Frank were doing some meeting with some people who are helping out with the fashion show coming up. This was gonna be a stressful day for them and all the interns better be on there A game. This company is known to have a good reputation and he didn't want a bunch of teens who just graduated from high school to ruin it in just a couple of months time of being here and that could be a reason he gave them a second chance for the ones who messed up on their first day there. They didn't know this about Mr Hammond and might not find out unless they do something to find this information out. Mr Hammond and Frank are good friends and been running this company for years. No big problems have occured, yet and they would like it to stay that way if they could do so. 

    Lisa was trying to keep an eye on them while they were working and making sure things were running smoothly as they all were doing the things that were given to them because the fashion show was in two days now. They all were working their ass off as much as they can right now and trying not to interupt Mr Hammond and Frank. As time went on lunch time approached them. Tim Wu and Hydie  already went and found the place to get the clothes, so they took them with them to the restaurant They wouldn't have time ti drop them off first and then go eat. They were gonna eat outside since they couldn't take them in. As they were doing so someone came up and took the clothes without them knowing this. They both were paying attention on ordering their food and talking.

   Meanwhile, the others were back at the Enterprise at the dining hall having lunch together. They thought this was a little weird because Mr Hammond was not in the room with them and Lisa was giving them time to themselves since they were working so hard so far this week here. No one was wanting to actually this beautiful place of " Rome " in like three days, but they had to get home to get ready for college starting soon and make sure things were ready because they all were sure they were gonna get into the place they wanted to go to when they get the papers from Mr Hammond saying they interned with him and how they all did this summer long as they all don't get sent home.

    Back at the restaurant Tim Wu and Hydie were getting done eating and the waiter came to get to money for the check. Once he did so they got their stuff and turned around and saw the clothes missing. They were so freaked out right now because they couldn't believe they lost something like this and this was a very important part of the show coming up . They started to look around to see if anyone would be pushing them somewhere and then they started asking people if they saw anyone take a rack of clothes from behind them. The people they asked said they haven't seen anyone take anything from behind them. They both didn't know what to do, but get back to explain to Lisa what happened here. They knew this was the right thing to do here in the situation that has happened here so far. 

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