chapter 24

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Now today was the day of " The fashion show. " The interns were all excited that they all get to witness this day that was so special to them all. They all worked so hard to get here and now they get to see how it all ends up and if all there hard work pays off. And when it is all over with they all get to have a farewell dinner with Mr Hammond and Lisa. This is the dinner where they will be getting the paper that will help them all get into the college they want in the fall. They all couldn't wait for that to happen once this fashion show was all over with. The summer they had here on Rome was amazing and if they have a chance to do it again they sure would do so. None of them thought this experience was gonna be like this and they also didn't know Rome was this amazing looking. The friendships they made here this summer they were hoping to keep for years to come.

When the interns got up this morning they all we're so excited about what was to come ahead of them with the fashion show launching this afternoon. They we're all hoping that there was gonna be a great turnout for this event here today because they never been to one and this would be a good experience for all of them especially for Ally because she loved fashion so much. They all started to get ready for the day. They all had to do was dress really nice for it and do what was asked to keep this running smooth. As they all were starting to get ready they realized they didn't have the right stuff to wear to the show and didn't know what to do. They all met up with Lisa down in the lobby for breakfast around 8am and they were gonna talk to her and see what she was gonna do to help them get something to wear to please Mr Hammond. They all wanted to please him and get the papers if it all goes right. They didn't wanna leave in the morning knowing they let him down.

Once all the interns got dressed they all went right down to the lobby to talk to Lisa. When they arrived in the lobby Lisa was standing there waiting for them to arrive. She couldn't believe this was gonna be the last time she was gonna have to make sure they weren't late to meet up with Mr Hammond. She sure was gonna miss them all when they have to go, but she know this was coming and she was hoping that Mr Hammond would let them all come back instead of just two. They all were gonna have to wait til tonight to find out what all is gonna happen. His decisions probably gonna go on if the fashion show was a success here today. Lisa took a look at what they all we're wearing and had to talk to them about it before they went any further with the day ahead of them.

Lisa- I see you all are not dressed right for this special occasion. May, I ask why that is? 

Mel- That's because we all don't have the right thing to wear to this fashion show and we don't know what to wear either.

Lisa- After we eat breakfast we will go straight down to the fashion department and find you all something that will work for this day.

Mel- That sounds nice.

Lisa- Now that we have got that settled we now can go to the dining hall to meet up with Mr Hammond to eat breakfast.

So, They all went straight to the dining hall to meet up with Mr Hammond to have breakfast to start the day out.

At the dining hall 

   When they all walked into the dining hall they knew that Mr Hammond would already be there. He was happy that they all were on time for this breakfast because they were leaving tomorrow morning and he wasn't gonna see them all again because they all won't be coming back just two of them that they know of. Soon as they all sat down the butler was bringing out the food to them, so they could start eating. While they were gonna eat Mr Hammond was gonna talk to them all.

Mr Hammond- I am glad that you all were on time today for this breakfast here today. We can't waste anytime on this day because we have to be on time for the fashion show starting at 2 pm and we still have things to do for it. For one thing you all have to have the right clothes on for it and we have to get that done soon as you all eat. Once that is taken care of we have to make sure the hair stylist gets your hair and make up done fast because you all will have something to do for the show to complete this internship. Then when the fashion show is over we will be having that special dinner I was telling you about and then you all will have to pack to leave in the morning to get back to where you live. So, lets finish eating, so we can get this day going the right way. 

This day was gonna be so busy and they all were gonna have to do their best to make this fashion show the best because they all wanted to make sure Mr Hammond chooses the right people for the internship that's available for next summer. They all wanted it.

   Soon as they all got done eating Lisa gathered them all together and they all went straight to the fashion department to get the clothes they were gonna wear for this day. This place had so many things in it and they had enough for them to get something to wear. Once they got to the room where they needed to be at this woman came up to Lisa to talk to her because she needed to know what was going to go on for today with the interns. 

The woman- Hey, Lisa! What's going on for today besides getting the models ready for the day?

Lisa- Well, we need to show the interns some clothes that they can wear for this fashion show because they didn't pack anything that would be appropriate for this occasion because they didn't know what all this job was going to consist of.

The woman- Ok, all of you can follow me and I will show you what to choose from and then get ready. 

 Now they all went with the lady to see what kind of clothes they will be choosing from at this time. They all were getting excited about this day. Now they just have to pick the right thing to wear and they could get started on everything else that was need before 2pm when it will start.

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