Chapter 13

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    There was a lot to do for the Enterprise today and Mr Hammond couldn't afford for anyone to screw things up. He was gonna be having important people come in and out of the building all day. It was obvious because he was an important business man here in Rome. So, Lisa was gonna have to keep a close eye on each and every one of the interns today. They all had no clue that there were gonna be this kind of people were gonna be there today, but they were just worried about if they were gonna be letting Mr Hammond down or not. Lisa was gonna give them a heads up about this since she just found out about this, so that way they all would know about this.

Today was the day that Tim Wu, Hydie, Layla and Daria are gonna be getting a second chance as well at the jobs they were assigned by Mr Hammond. The copier incident wasn't anyone's fault, but the person who didn't show up for their job. Layla and Daria were gonna get a second chance now and this time they were not gonna try and listen to the CD til they get to the building and see if the guy will ask them to listen to it when they got there.

   Everyone was up and getting ready. They were gonna make sure nothing will go wrong today. Yesterday was a mistake and all those things shouldn't have happened. This is the day to make Mr Hammond happy unless someone was out to get them. Ally and Palo were hoping they don't get caught with the device he had to help them do their jobs. If that happens they will definitely have to go home for sure and Ally will have no recommendation for her college application.

   Soon as Layla and Daria got ready to do their job they went straight to Mr Hammond's office to get the CD. They were kinda early, but they wanted things to go well for today. When they got to his office they knocked on the door. And with that he told them to come into his office. When he saw them walk into his office he didn't expect them to be there just, yet.

Mr Hammond- Wow!!! You two girls are a little bit early to start your job for the day. We didn't even have breakfast, yet.

Layla- We wanna make up for what happened yesterday with the CD and prove to you that we can do this job today with no problems. We wanna be here and do the jobs we are given and do them right.

Mr Hammond- That's good you wanna show me that you are willing to do these jobs the right way and not screw them up. I highly applaud that. I will give you this new CD and trust that you will deliver it with no problem this time. I will let the company know that you are coming this time around for sure.

Daria- Thank you, sir. You will not regret this this time.

So, with that Daria grabbed the CD and put it in her bag this time, so Layla don't get tempted to do anything to it. She wanted to keep this internship job til the end if she could help that. It was 8 am when the girls left the building to go take this to the clients who were gonna be getting this soon. Everyone else was gonna be on time for their jobs and for breakfast with Mr Hammond here.

   The interns were already to go to the lobby to check in with Lisa. They grabbed what they would be needing and headed there. Lisa was standing there with her clip board when they arrived to check in. She looked and made sure if everyone was there and she realized that Layla and Daria were not there.

Lisa- Does anyone know where Layla and Daria are at right now because they could get into serious trouble right now and Mr Hammond is giving them a second chance to not mess things up.

Mel- They already left to go do their job from yesterday. They didn't wanna make Mr Hammond regret his decision he made yesterday.

Lisa- Ok, just wasn't informed by Mr Hammond on this, but thanks for telling me what was going on here. They almost got in trouble again. Plus, I wanna let you know what is going on today, so you don't mess things up. Mr Hammond is having some important people come in and out of this place today. So, try and be good and do the work. Try not to need him. If you have any questions or problems please come to me or Frank and ask. Now with that said I would like for all of you to go to the dining hall to have breakfast with Mr Hammond before everybody here gets busy. With that resolved you all could go to breakfast with Mr Hammond before you start your jobs.

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