chapter 2

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  The girls were both so excited that their parents were now gonna let them go on this trip to Rome. They jumped out of bed the next morning to get ready to go to school. This was a day to be happy about going because they have something to look forward to when they got there. They both knew that Mrs. Winter would be in class room waiting for them when they arrived to school.

Ally: Totally can't wait to go to school now because we will have something to look forward to now.

Mel: Yeah, that's true. A whole summer in Rome is gonna be so nice.

Ally: Hope we don't have too many rules when we get there. That wouldn't be to good at all.

Mel: Remember we need to get this internship because it will look good on our applications for " Stanford " after we graduate this year. 

Ally: We can't mess it up because we really need this. 

Mel: Well, let's finish getting ready to leave for school. We don't wanna be late even though it's our last week before summer vacation starts and we graduate. Then when we get done with that we leave for Rome.

Ally: Don't forget we need to go shopping before Monday. That's when we hop on a plane to go there.

Mel: I know when we leave. Graduation day is Saturday and we have to get ready for that as well here. 

With that they hurried and finished getting ready to go to school. 

   When they got done getting ready to go they went down the stairs to leave when their mom saw them and had them talk to her for a minute before they left the house for the day.

Mom- So, you ready to go to school now that you have something to look forward to when you graduate here this week?

Mel- Yes, we can't wait for this to happen here shortly. Want it to come already.

Mom- That's good to hear that.

Ally- Well, we got to go to school now, so we aren't late.

Mom- OK, see you both after school then. 

When they got done talking they left for school.

  Soon as they arrived to school they went to their lockers and went to Mrs. Winter's room to talk to her. When they arrived to her classroom they saw her inside. She saw them at the door and told them to come right in because she knew exactly why they would be at her door before class even starts. She couldn't wait to hear their reaction to going to the internship now.

Mrs. Winter: So, did you get the chance to talk to your parents last night about this internship? 

Ally: Yes, we did.

Mrs. Winter: So, I take it you both are excited to go on the internship this summer?

Mel: Yes, we are very excited to be going on the internship

Mrs. Winter: That's good to hear. I'll have to let the principle know what's going on today during my break. I'm sure that he will be so excited to hear that you two decided to take this opportunity and go to Some for the summer internship. 

Ally: we couldn't be more happier with the decision that we made. We are gonna learn so much and this will look good on our collage applications this fall when we get ready to send them out.

Mrs. Winters: Yes, it will look very good on there and especially if you girls win this. 

Mel: That's what we are hoping for when we do all of this this summer.

Mrs. Winters: Well, you girls get to class and have a good day now that I know the good news that you just told me.

  The girls walked off to class with a smile on their faces when they left the classroom and went to their original first class of the day. They couldn't be more happier with the decision. They leave on Sunday to get where they will be going in Rome. It's like 13 hour flight. That could get boring for the girls, but all the people who got invited for this special thing had a long flight as well. Just hope this will all work out like they want it to. 

  After school let out for the day they went home because they wanted to finish packing everything and make sure they have what they need for when they get there. Whatever they didn't have at the time they would have to go and buy it. They were gonna see if they could get excused from the last three days of school to get done with everything they would be needing.

   When they got home they went to talk to their mom about getting the last three days off of school to get ready for this trip they would be taking here soon. Their mom was in the kitchen getting dinner ready when they got in the house from the day at school.  She looked up and saw them come in and she knew they wanted to talk to them when they entered into the kitchen.

Mel: Mom, do you think you could get an excused absent for us for these last three days of school? We need all the time we could get to finish getting everything ready before we leave Sunday

Mom: I'll call the school in the morning and see what I could do for you girls, but for now just do what you been doing for the preparation of leaving till then.

Ally: OK...sounds like a plan to me.

So, they went to their rooms and started to finish up their packing for the trip and making a list of the thing they were gonna need for the trip when they go shopping this week. The girls couldn't wait and wanted the time to fly by fast, so they could finally get to Rome.

The next morning:
  The next morning their mom called the school. The phone rang and the secratary answered the phone.
The Secretary: Hello!!! How may I help you today?

Cindy: I would like to speak to Mrs. Winters, please.

The secretary: Hold please.

With that she went to go get her on the phone, so they could talk. Once someone came on the phone they started to talk.

Mrs. Winter: Hello!!! who do I have the pleasure of speaking with?

Cindy: This is Cindy. I'm Melanie and Allison's mom. I would like to ask you if it would be alright if the girls could be excused from school for the last three days to finish getting ready to go on the internship in Rome?

Mrs. Winter: Hold on while i go ask the principal about this.

So, she went and talked to the principle for a minute about this and see what he was gonna do about it. Then he gave her the answer to tell the girl's mom. When she came back on the phone she had an answer for her.

Mrs. Winter: I have an answer for you Mrs. Cindy. 

Cindy; And what would that answer be?

Mrs. Winter: The principal told me that the girls have permission to stay home and get ready for the trip. So, tell them good luck.

Mrs. Cindy: I will.

  Soon as she got off the phone she went up to the girls room and told them what she said.

Mel: What's up, mom?

MOM: Just got off the phone with your teacher. She told me you two could stay home to get stuff done for the internship trip and she also told me to tell you good luck as well.

Ally: That's awesome. Now we don't have to rush everything. We will have plenty of time to finish before saturday now.

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