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  Today was the day of the graduation for the girls. This was a big deal for them and they were so excited to finally be able to leave high school and get ready for college in the fall if they get accepted to the one they wanted here. When they got up it was 9 am and they went down to the kitchen to get something g to eat before they started their day here. Their on made them a nice breakfast because this would be the last one before they leave to go to Rome here soon. 

Mom- So , are you girls ready to leave to go on your trip soon?

Ally- Yes, we are.  The only thing we don't wanna do is this 13 hour flight to get there. 

Mom- Well, it will be worth it once you get there though.

Mel- That's true though.  We will appreciate it once we do it.
They ate their breakfast and then waited til it was time to get ready to leave the house to go to the graduation ceremony.  They needed to be at the school at 4pm to start getting things done for the ceremony.  They had to make sure all the students were there and they know where to sit when they go out to do this. 

   They all the left the house around 3:40 pm to start heading over to the school.  The girls didn't wanna be late for the stuff that had to be done before thy graduated. The parents went and started to take their seats when they all started to arrive at the school.  When the time came they started the ceremony for all the graduates who would be attending today.  It was a nice ceremony they had for all of them.  Once it was over the students got to say their goodbye and leave the school.  Once the girls got done they just wanted to go straight home because they would be leaving for their flight soon.  They we're gonna eat at the house today. The family was gonna have one last meal before they would have to take the girls to the airport to get on the flight to Rome. They we're gonna have to be at the airport at 8 am and the flight would be taking off at 10 am. When they got done with dinner and putting the luggage in the car the girls went to bed to get some sleep for the early wake up time they were gonna be having and time flies. 

  When it was 7 am the alarm went off and the girls got right out of bed and got dress.  Then they went down to the kitchen to grab a quick bite to eat before they headed out to the airport. When the girls got downstairs to leave for the airport their mom had them something to eat on the way there like she did when they went on their trip to Paris. The girls were glad she remembered to make them something to eat before they left the house or they could get sick when they took off in the plane. They didn't want to be sick while they were on the plane this time. This summer program has got to go well for the girls. This was a huge deal for everyone who was gonna be there and only two people will be chosen for this opportunity of a lifetime. So, with that they all got in the car and headed to the airport. When they left the house it was 7:45 am. This wasn't good at all so far for the girls. They were hoping this wasn't a sign of how the rest of the day was gonna be like. If so this was gonna be a bad thing for the girls. 

  The girls still couldn't believe today was the day they were gonna be able to get on the plane to go to Rome. This was gonna be such an amazing experience for the girls when they get there. Their flight was gonna be taking off at 10 am this morning and they must not be late for it.

    On the way there the girls talked.

Ally: This flight is gonna be a long one just like when we went to Paris.

Mel: I hate long flights. They have nothing to do on there and it gets boring being on our tablets and laptops. 

Ally: that's so true, but we have to do this if we want this.

Mel: I know!!! Just hope we won't have to do it again after this for a long time to come. We better get done getting ready right now, so we could finally get out of this place and get this fight over with already. 13 hours.

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