chapter 14

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     The girls all got to the room and went in and started to get ready. They all started to talk to each other as they were getting ready. 

Ally- So, how did everyone do on their job assignments today?

Layla- Daria and I had a good day. We finally got the CD to the studio like we were suppose to do. The producer was understanding about what happened yesterday. He had us stay for a CD listening and then took us to a restaurant he eats at all the time for lunch. 

Ally-Sounds like you had a  good day since what happened yesterday. Plus,  that was nice of him to do considering what happened to the CD yesterday.

Daria- Yeah, had a good day and glad he was understanding about the whole thing.

Layla- Yeah, we are so happy he was understanding with the whole incident that happened because we are new to the company.

Hydia- Tim Wu and I had no problems in the copier room today. We wrote down how to use the copier, so that there were no problems at all.

Mel- That was a smart idea since you had problems yesterday and it wasn't your fault that the guy didn't show up at all.

Hydie- Yeah, you're right it wasn't our fault. But,  thank God he didn't let you go and gave you a second chance.

Ally- Well, we need to finish getting ready for this dinner right now or we won't be able to make it on time. 

    Meanwhile, the guys were in their room talking as they got ready to go to dinner tonight. It wouldn't take them long at all to get ready. They didn't wanna take long to get showers or get dressed. Once they all got done getting their showers and done getting dressed they sat around to talk.

Palo- So, How was your day at work today?

Tim Wu- It was actually pretty good since the mishap yesterday. We had notes to help us today with that stupid copier, so we get these jobs done right. How was your job today?

Palo- Mr Hammond thinks I know where everything is in this place, but I obviously don't know. I use a GPS to help us get the job done. We are doing good with the deliveries and the time we have. With the spare time I been showing Ally around Rome.

Tim Wu- That's great. You two are lucky about that. Wish we have time like that to do something fun. The copying stuff is so boring and would like to do more while we are here.

Palo- Well, what we are doing here could get us into trouble though and we don't want that, so we stay away long as we can. Maybe, Mr Hammond would switch things up along the way, but we will have to wait and see about that when the time permits it.

Tim Wu- I see. Good luck with that and you're right.  We will have to wait and see.

Palo- Well, we better get done getting ready for the dinner and see what Mr Hammond is gonna say from the report he is getting from Lisa today. 

Tim Wu-Just hope the report comes back good and everyone gets to stay. 

Palo- We will see soon.

So, with that they finished getting ready for the dinner that they all were gonna be having here very soon. Everyone wanted to find out what Mr Hammond was gonna say about what went on today to see if they are all gonna stay or not. 

Dinner time:

     Now when it was time to go to dinner they all left their rooms and headed  right to the lobby to meet up to go to the dining hall. Soon as they all got there on time they all headed to the dining hall together. They all were confident that tonight was gonna be a good dinner do to the day they all had. They all had smiles on their faces when they walked in  the room and sat down. Mr Hammond and Frank were at the table waiting on them all when they all arrived. So, they waited for all of them to sit down, so Mr Hammond could talk to them. 

Mr Hammond- I take it by the smiles on everyone's faces you all had a good day. Nothing went wrong.

Palo- That's right. We wanted to make you proud for our second day here.

Mr Hammond- I am glad to hear that. I know that the stuff was delivered and copied right. The main people I wanna talk to are Layla and Daria. They had a big job and responsibility here. So, tell me about it, please?

Layla- I will explain it for you since yesterday was my fault with what happened. 

Mr Hammond- That would be nice if you would do that for me right now. I'm sure everyone don't wanna be here all night waiting on someone to talk right now.

Layla- We found the studio with no trouble. The CD got there safe. We went to deliver it inside the building and the producer invited us to listen to the CD just like you said he might do. So, we stayed to do so. As we were going to do that he invited us to lunch at a restaurant he goes to and we took him on the offer and then got to ride in a limo with him to go eat. 

Mr Hammond- Well, that producer guy liked both of you and had to call and tell me that. I am proud of the both of you. So, this means I am happy with all of you. You all will be still working here.

They all were so excited to hear that he was happy with the things they did for his company today. Soon as they all got done eating they all went to their rooms to go to bed for work again. They were tired right now with the great job done for the day.    

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