Chapter 11

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       Now everyone was working on their assignments that were appointed to them last night. Mr Hammond was hoping that the interns were doing a good job at the assignments that were given to them. But, on the other hand it was the first day and something could probably go wrong and he knows that. He will hear about their days tonight at dinner. He will always get a report on how they are doing to make sure if he should keep them there or not. He was just hoping he wouldn't have to send anyone home the first day on the job.

    Meanwhile, Layla and Daria were on their way to deliver the CD that Mr Hammond handed them a few minutes earlier. They got on the mo pads and were on their way to the destination. They looked at the directions they had and was following them. When they came upon an Ally where they had to go down on the way to their destination Layla wanted to listen to the CD and see what was on it. She took it out of her bag and told Daria that that she was gonna listen to it. Daria then got off her mo pad and tried to grab it out of her hand, but Layla wouldn't let go of it. She had a firm grip on the CD. Daria let go and the CD went flying in the air and landed on the ground. The CD somehow didn't break. So far so good. Just at that moment that Daria was gonna pick it up a car came by and ran it over. Now the girls were gonna be in big trouble with Mr Hammond when he finds out what happened today. The girls ended up heading back to the enterprise and report what happened to Lisa. This will not be good at all.

Soon as the girls finally arrived back to Hammond enterprises they parked the mo pads and braced themselves for the bad new. The girls were hoping not to get sent home because of what happened here today and he would forgive them for what happened. As they walked inside Lisa say them come in the building and walked over to talk to them.

Lisa- Hey, you two girls are back early from delivering the CD like Mr Hammond asked you to do for him. Thought the company was gonna have you listen to it with them when you got there to drop it off.

Daria- We never made it to the place to drop it off.

Lisa- What happened to you two going there?

Layla- Well, we had a little problem with getting there. Something happened.

Lisa- Like what!!???

Daria- Well, Layla here wanted to listen to the CD before we got to the building and give it to the people. I told her don't do it and then tried to get it off her and that's when it went flying in the air onto the ground. It didn't break til that exact moment a car came by and ran it over.

Lisa- Mr Hammond is not gonna like what happened. Let's just wait and see what he will have to say about this later on today. You may go to your rooms now and I will bring you something to eat for lunch. Stay in there til dinner, so Mr Hammond don't see you if he comes around to do something.

Now with that said the girls went to their room to hang out til dinner time. They were nervous about if they were gonna be sent home because of this incident or not, They will have to wait and see.

Palo and Ally were gonna use this device that Palo had to make things faster for them. They could get all the deliveries done in like an hour instead and have time to go and enjoy the city and get to know each other better. She liked that idea and wanted her job to be fun in the process. They were just hoping they wouldn't get caught doing this while they were on the job. That could be a bad thing for the both of them even though it was Palo's idea and device he had.

Ally- Just hope we don't get in trouble for using this device that we are not suppose to be using to help us with the deliveries because you are suppose to know your way around here.

Palo- You can live here all your life and still not know where everything in this place is. It all looks the same most of the time. People just say they know where everything is to make them look good , but they get lost. Once we make the deliveries we will get lunch. Won't be long.

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