chapter 8

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    After all the Inters and Mr Hammond finished up eating their breakfast he was gonna have them follow him around the place to see everything in the building where some of them will be working all day. Some of them will be leaving the place and going out into the city to do some errand things around the city.

Mr Hammond- Today I am taking you around the building and showing you the places where you could work at if you get assigned to it. So, pay attention to the place as I do so. Some of you could leave the building an go out in the city to deliver or pick up things. Now let's get started with this tour for the day and when we are done with this tour I wanna take a break and then I'll tell you who the people are gonna be partnered up together at dinner. 

They all were happy that they all get to do whatever they wanted to do now. They all decided to go out into the city to have some lunch at a nearby restaurant and look around at some near by things here.  They didn't wanna go to far or they could get lost. This was nice that they all were gonna hang out as a group. This was gonna be a good way for them all to get to know each better if they have to work together to get things done. They all just need to make sure that they all remember the rules about romantic relationships and stick with the job. If they do that there shouldn't be a problem in the future.

   Around 2 pm they all got ready to go to  the nearby restaurant where they all were gonna eat lunch. When they got to the restaurant they all went inside. When they got in there they had to wait in line for the hostess to seat them. There were two groups of people who were ahead of them. This shouldn't take too long for them to get their turn now. Once the people were seated the hostess was ready to take them to their seats. She was gonna have them sit at a table for 10 since their group was so big.

  When the hostess got the table they we're gonna sit at off the chart they followed her to the table to sit down. Once they all got to the table they all sat down.Then she handed them all a menu and the silverware. 

The hostess- Your waiter will be right with you in a moment to take your drink order while you look over the menus.

Palo- Thank you. 

    Soon as she left the table they started to look over the menu and then just about a minute late the waiter came right over to their table.

The waiter-  Hi, I am Ryan and I will be your waiter for the time you are here. So, what would you like to drink?

They all gave him the drink orders.

Ryan- Now I will be right back with the drinks and then I will take your food order for you.

Now with that said Ryan went to go get their drinks and they all looked over the food menu and talked about what they would order before he got back with all the drinks to pass out.

    About 10 minutes later he came back with all the drinks in hand to give them all. He passed them all out and then grabbed his order pad to start the food order, so they could start eating soon. He wrote down all the things that they all wanted to eat for lunch here. Then he went and took the order back to the kitchen and made sure the appetizers and salad came right out before the food was done.

   While,they were waiting on the food they talked for a little bit to pass the time and get to know one another before they got to work with each other for the summer. They have no clue who they will be partnered up with tonight at the dinner with Mr Hammond.  When the appetizers and the salads were ready Ryan brought them out, so they could start to eat them and get done before the food arrives to the table and he refilled everyone's drinks as well. They would have to wait about another 15 mins before their food would get there.

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