chapter 18

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       Now some time went by and all the interns were doing good still on the jobs that they were assigned. Mel had to remind her sister while she was there that she couldn't get close to Palo because she had to think about the guy she met before they came here. She met Dallas at that restaurant they ate at the day before they left and they exchanged numbers. It was a good thing that she did remind her about him because she kinda forgot about him.  So, Ally got on facebook to talk to him before she started the work day here. She wanted to make sure he still remembered her.

Facebook messenger

Ally- Hey it's Ally that you met from the restaurant.

 Sorry I haven't got back to you, yet. 

Dallas- It's ok. 

I bet you been super busy from the internship 

u have been on now.

 It's important 

 I don't want u 2 blow it.

Ally- Thanks for the support 

I am doing great so far 

 The partner I am working with 

he found a way to cheat the work

 2 have fun and see the city we are in. 

Dallas- What do you do as a job there?

Ally- My partner n I go around the city 2

 deliver things to different businesses 

We aren't suppose to be using a gps 

but he has been doing so to make the 

work better for us.

Dallas- Just hope the boss don't find out 

n u get sent home.

Ally- We won't. TTYL

    When she got off facebook with him she went to finish getting ready for the day. She didn't have much time because of the whole thing she was talking to someone on facebook. Everybody else was about finished and her sister Mel was now rushing her to get ready.

Mel- You should have waited to talk to Dallas after we got done with work today or brought the tablet with you to talk to him on your lunch break here.

Ally- Never thought about that, but I will be ready in 5 mins here. 

Mel- Ok!!! And you  need to stop flirting with Palo if you are not gonna pursue a relationship with him because you are interested in Dallas who is way closer and way hotter here. 

Ally- Give me time and I will make it clear to him it was a mistake to do this to him, so I can focus on the job here and on Dallas.

They all left the room and was down in the lobby with like 5 mins to spare. The guys of course were already down there waiting on them to show up and start their day.

      Today somehow Ally was gonna have to tell Palo about the guy back at home because she didn't want him to get the wrong message and get hurt down the road if he finds out without telling him what is going on. When everyone go to the meeting place they all checked in. Then they all went to the dining hall to have breakfast with Mr Hammond. He was already in the dining hall when they all got there. He didn't have anything to do at the moment that was gonna make him late this morning. They all were surprised to see him there before they all got there today. So, they all took their seats and the food was being brought right out to them, so they could eat. 

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