chapter 22

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The cafe

     The interns were all in the cafe now talking to Tim Wu and Hydie. They wanted to figure out who would wanna take the clothes and make them go home. They were thinking that it could be an inside person who wanted to make Mr Hammond look bad.  

Palo- We have got to get to the bottom of this whole mystery of who would want to do such a thing here with the incident that occurred here this afternoon.

Daria- Maybe, Frank was the one who has done this to them because he looked pretty calm at dinner.

Ally- Yeah, your right. He did look calm when Mr Hammond was talking. 

Hydie- We will have to look around here and see if they may be here somewhere when we get a chance to tomorrow.

Mel- We should do some searching tonight since this will be the last night we are all gonna be here together before they go and get a hotel to figure this all out.

Tim Wu- That sounds like a great Idea you have here. 

Mel- Then  let's get looking right now. 

Palo- We will all split up and use our text pals to contact each other for anything here.

Ally- Sounds like a great plan.

Now with that they all split up and went to start the search for the missing rack of fashion clothes they were suppose to be looking for. 

    Palo and Ally went down to the basement part of the building to look for the fashion show clothes there. Sometimes if someone who works for the company wanted to hide something they took in the basement for sure. When they got there it was dark, so Palo turned the light on , so they could see what they were doing.  Once he turned the light on they could start looking for the clothes. ALly text everyone and let them know what was going on so far.

Text pal

Ally- Palo n I r down in the basement looking 

4 the clothes

She put the text pal away after the message sent to everyone. They all were up in the building looking to see if the rack was up there somewhere.

    As Mel was looking around she heard a voice and she went to see who it was in an office. To her surprise it was Frank. She stood next to the door to listen in on the conversation he was having on the phone.

Frank- I know this fashion show is going to fail on Friday because today while two of our interns were eating I stole the clothes and they are now gonna leave in the morning. I will not let this fashion show be a success because I am not gonna give Mr Hammond the praise for it all. He won't tell people that I helped put it together. I am gonna take the interns down as well.

When she got done listening to what Frank had to say she ran off before he had a chance to catch her in the act of listening in to what he was saying.

Text Pal 

Ally- Meet in the cafe

    Palo and Ally ended up finding the clothes in the basement and left them there till morning because they wanted to show them to Mr Hammond. He needed to know someone was out to get him, but they didn't know that Mel knew who the person was till they all got to the cafe in a few minutes to know this information that was in hand here right now. Soon as they heard the text pal go off they read the message.

Ally- We need to get to the cafe. Mel knows something that could help us in the case of these missing clothes.

Palo- Hope it's to tell us who stole the clothes.

Ally- I would love it if we knew who it was. But, for now we need to get to the cafe to find out.

So, they left the basement and went right to the cafe to get the information that Mel had for them all.

   In the cafe they all were sitting there ready to listen to the information that Mel was gonna give them.

Hydie- What is the information you wanna give us, Mel?

Mel- Well, I was looking for the rack of clothes like I was suppose to be doing at the time. As I was doing so I heard a voice coming from an office, so I went to check it out. It was Frank on the phone. I listened in on him without him seeing me. 

Tim Wu- What did you hear him say?

Mel- I heard him say that he took the clothes while you two were eating lunch. He wants this fashion show to fail for Mr Hammond because he ain't getting any credit for it at all. And he wants to take us down as well as revenge on Mr Hammond.

Ally- We have to let Mr Hammond know what's going on in the morning. Plus, show him whee the clothes are hidden as well.

Palo- We will all do this in the morning,but for now we all need to get to bed. We all need some sleep because we have to get up in a little while and make it look like we slept some.

They all parted and went to their rooms and got some sleep for the work day in a few hours because they were gonna have a shocking day ahead of them and this could take a lot out of them the day before the fashion show begins. Mr Hammond is gonna wanna fire Frank when he finds out what went on here and make sure that the interns stay here and not leave the place. He will have to also apologize for this as well. But, for now everyone went to sleep till it was time to get up to start the work day and have breakfast that will change the course of everything and make things right.

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