chapter 5

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  Now the plane arrived in Rome Around 11pm. Soon as they got off the plane they went to the baggage claim to get their stuff. They were gonna meet the driver who would be taking them to the Enterprise once everybody got to the airport. The place wanted the driver to make one trip for all the students that will be in attendance.

Mel: How will we know where to go once we have our bags in a minute?

Ally: When we get to the front of the doors we look for a sign that says: Hammond enterprises.

Mel; Ok...good thing you remember what to look for because I didn't.

Ally: I have it written down I my phone with all the important things that go on.

Mel: That works as well then. 

Once they got their stuff they went to the front of the airport to start looking for their group.

  When they go there they saw a guy holding a sign: Hammond Enterprises group, so, with that the girls walked right over to where the group was standing. 

The driver: Let me see here all of you. I have to have a total of 7 people for this program and it looks like I have everyone that is suppose to be here, so lets get in the limo now. We have got to get the The place and be on schedule or Mr. Hammond will be mad.

Everyone headed straight out to the limo and put their stuff in and then the driver took off.

Hammond Enterprises:
  Now they were on there way to the Enterprise to get all settled in for the big opportunity of a lifetime. Today all they were gonna get to do is meet each other and get settled in. They wouldn't be able to meet the staff of the enterprise till Tuesday. So, in the morning was gonna be a tour of the place they are working at for the summer. This should be fun. They all couldn't believe this was coming to be real.  

  When they got to the building they all took their stuff inside to find out what was next. Soon as they got there in the lobby of the place there was a lady standing there with a clipboard to greet them all when they came inside the place.

Lisa: Welcome, everyone. I am Lisa. I help here at the Hammond Enterprises. I am working alongside Mr. Hammond on this internship project he is working on right now this summer. I also, am the one who will be watching over you as you are here to work this summer. We have some rules you need to follow to stay here or you will be ask to leave immediately. Now here are the rules.
1. no romantic relationships while you are here.
2. we have curfews to keep, so you won't be tired on the jobs you need to do.

If you keep these rules then everything should go well. now room assignments are all the girls in one room and all the guys in another. The rooms are pretty good. So, you could now go to your rooms and get settled in and also get to know each other as well or sleep til 8am. Then we will meet back here right at 9am to have some breakfast with Mr Hammond. 

So, with that they all went back to their rooms to get things settled down and meet each other. 

In the girls room:
   When the girls got to their room they were in shocked when they entered into it for the first time. They didn't think the rooms were gonna be this big at all. There were room for 4 beds, dressers and tv. Plus, couch, chairs, and tables. The girls each claimed their bed and dresser to have for their time there. This was nice. Ater they did that they all enterduced themselves to each other.
1. allison, but prefer Ally
2. Melaine, but prefer Mel
3. layla
4. Hydie
5. Daria
Now the girls all new each other names. They finished getting things done before they really talked or anything.

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