chapter 12

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 Dinner time:

    Now it was time to go down to the Dining hall to have some dinner with Mr Hammond and Lisa. They all know when they get down there they will have to have a talk at some point while they were there about how their day was on the job for the first time. They all decided to all go down together this time since they were all nervous about what was gonna be going on with the talk when they  were eating.

   After they all gathered around in the lobby they all followed Lisa straight to the dining hall to get this done with to find out if anyone was gonna be getting sent home on their first day on the job.

    When they got to the dining hall they all walked in they saw that Mr Hammond and Frank were already in there sitting at the table waiting for them to get there, so they could start this dinner already. Mr Hammond really wanted to talk to them tonight about everything that he was told about. He waited for all of them to sit down  before he started to talk to them.

Mr Hammond- I would like to talk to you all about your days when we all get done eating. Lisa gave me the full report. Frank and I looked it over once she gave it to us and now I need to talk to you all about it.

They all were expecting he would do this to them because it is his company and he needs to keep it neat, So, with that they all we're gonna eat before they had the talk with them about what had gone all day while they we're working for him and Frank.

   The but let brought them all their drinks first thing.  Then when he got done with that he went and brought out the food for them. Once the food was brought out and served for them they all started to eat. He didn't wanna upset anyone before they ate if that part was necessary or they might not eat. After they all finished the delicious food that was prepared for them this evening Mr Hammond could have the talk he wanted to have with the group.

 The talk: 

  When they all got done eating their food they waited  for Mr Hammond to start talking about what he needed to say about his report. He waited til the table was cleared off before he started to talk about this. Once it was cleared he started to talk.

Mr Hammond: I'm gonna talk about each group one by one and address what is wrong and what I wanna do with what was reported back to me. Then you each can say what you need to say to me when I am done.

Now I wanna start with Layla and Daria first. These two had an important job of delivering a CD to a company that needed right away. From what I understand Layla couldn't wait to get to the studio and find out if they were gonna be able to see what was on it. She took it out of her bag and was gonna listen to it and Daria was gonna do the right thing and put it away til They got there. Layla drops it in the street and a car runs over it. I am very disappointed in you for what happened. You are on probation for what you did, Layla.

Layla- I am sorry, sir. I shouldn't have done that. It won't happen again. I hope you forgive me and I understand the punishment that is to be given.

Mr Hammond- I am gonna give you one more chance tomorrow to deliver this again because when I found out about the incident I made one more copy in case something happened to the first and I called the company and told them what had happened to the delivery today. Told them it would be there tomorrow before 11 am. 

Layla- I assure you it will make it there on time, sir. I don't want to lose this internship. It means a lot to me and I value it. It was a mistake that shouldn't have happened

  Mr Hammond- Now I wanna talk to Tim Wu and Hydie. I hear that you messed up some orders in the copier room this morning. That was a waste of time and money. Then I heard you did the orders right when you got back from lunch.

Tim Wu- Yes, sir we did the orders wrong, but no one showed us how to  use the copier til the second round of trying the first orders. 

Mr Hammond- Someone should have been there to show you how to use the copier when you first got there since this is the first day on the job. I will yell at the person who was suppose to help you, so you are not in any trouble for that.

Hydie- Thank you, sir. 

Mr Hammond- Now I don't have any complaints about Palo, Ally, or Mel. You all did your jobs well today. Keep up the good work and we will not have any problems. Now all of you may go to your rooms and start to get ready for tomorrow.

So, when the talk was over they all went to there rooms for the night. They all were happy that he was not gonna be sending anyone home for the first day. This could happen to anyone on their first day on the job.

   When the interns got done with their dinner with Mr Hammond they all went to their rooms to get ready for tomorrow. They were all gonna get to bed because they wanted to make things right when they go to work. They didn't wanna mess up like they did today. They all were disappointed in what happened today, but it could all turn around for them if they do the jobs right and get along.

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