chapter 6

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Tour time  

Mr Hammond- While, you are assigned to a job you will be paired up in two and you will work that way while you are here. No love triangles or anything. You listen to the rules we won't have a problem. If we see you break the rules we will have you leave.

    They all agreed to what he said, but agreeing and doing is two different things to everyone. So, they all need to watch what they are doing very carefully. No one wants to be the ones who go home over dumb stuff. Mr Hammond showed them the mail room and the design room. Then they went to the cafe were some will work and get him things and then showed them the office where he works at as well. Then Mr Hammond took them to the lobby to have them meet Mr Hammond's partner of the company he has here.  Soon as they got to the lobby there was a man standing there in a suit. With that Mr Hammond stood by him to introduce him to the group.

Mr Hammond- Hey, everyone this is my partner of the company. His name is Frank. He will be here helping with the company and I thought you all should meet now, so you don't ask later if you see him who he is.

    When this was all done they had time to hang with each other and hang around til it was time to have dinner together. Today was a good one for them, but they wanna be able to start the real work tomorrow though. That would be a great thing to do. 

  After Mr Hammond got done talking to them and showing them around the Enterprise he let them hang out for a while.  They all decided to go in the common room where they were allowed to hang out altogether. They were all gonna hang out there for a while and the butler brought them something to snack on til dinner that evening with Mr Hammond.

Ally- Thank you for bringing the snacks to us.

The butler- You're welcome. Enjoy!

Everyone enjoyed the snacks and talked while they waited to go to dinner around 8pm. This day was a long one and they wanted it to end , so they could start working. 

    Around 6 pm they all went to their rooms to start getting ready for this dinner that they had to be at. Mr Hammond wanted these dinners for a reason, so they all had to go with it.
The girls were in their room getting ready for this mandatory  dinner and talking to each other to pass the time for it to come.  They were hoping that these dinners here were gonna be good. The girls were actually hoping they were good for the sake of the internship they are doing here.

Mel- Well, we need everything this summer here go smoothly if we want the internship to go as planned.

Daria- That sounds like a great idea here. Hope it does go good, but we can't make promises because things sometimes happen for a reason, so we have to wait and see what goes on here this summer.

Laylia- Daria, has a point here,  so let's just take it day by day to see what happens here. 

All the girls agreed with what was said here today and they were gonna keep this in mind when they do this internship this summer. 

    Now when it was time to go to the dinner hall to go eat they went to the same spot they were at when they first came in. Lisa was there waiting on all of them to finally show up. The first people to show up were the girls. They didn't wanna be late for anything because this may determine if they could get the job or not as the interns next year. The guys got there about 10 mins late. 

Lisa: Now that we are all here I have to tell you all you can't be late for anything at all. Mr. Hammond frowns upon lateness in this place and you could not be able to get the job if you are always late. It makes it seem like you don't wanna be here and don't want the job.
Palo: Sorry Mrs. Lisa won't happen again.

Lisa: Ok... now let's go to the dining hall and get ready to meet Mr Hammond and eat.

With that they all followed Lisa to where the dining hall was. 

The dining hall

  When they got to the dining hall Mr Hammond wasn't there just, yet. He must have something to do before he came to meet with the interns to have dinner with them. He was allowed to be late because he was a busy business man. They all sat down to wait on Mr Hammond to come in. Lisa found out he had something important that came up with frank before he meet up with them for dinner.  So, they all talked to each other till he arrived.

Palo- So, how is everyone liking the place we are staying at here?

Layla- The place is nice. It could have been bad if he wanted it to be.

Daria- That's true. He's a very rich and successful, so he made it look nice here.

Mel- Happy he had us stay here instead of a hotel for the summer. 

Ally- It's probably because he doesn't want us to be late and he can keep an eye on us while we are interning for him.

Tim Wu- Yeah, that must be it. 

  Just a few minutes later he finally came into the dining hall and saw them all talking to each other and getting along. That's what he wants them to do while they are here because that will show that they all can work together here. Soon as he got in the dining hall he sat down and started to talk to them.

Mr Hammond- Sorry I was late. Something came up with my partner Frank and I had to attend to it. That might happen here from time to time and I will have to deal with it. But, I was Happy to see that you all were getting along when I was coming in. But, now we can start the dinner here. 

The butler came in and gave them something to drink and then got the food for them that Mr Hammond requested for the evening for their first dinner of the summer internship here at the Enterprise. They all talked and had a nice time getting to know Mr Hammond a little bit. They were glad to get to know the man they will be working for here.

   When they all got done eating for the evening Mr Hammond wanted them all to go to their rooms to get ready for bed  because tomorrow they start the jobs they are gonna be assigned to. They had to be in bed by 11pm to get started early in the morning around 9am. This was a good thing that they all were motivated for this opportunity. Mr Hammond was a proud man to have such motivated people interning for him this summer. This job was gonna be an 8 hour job everyday and on the weekend they would be able to have time to relax and have fun. 

   When they got to their rooms they all got ready for the internship to start in the morning. They all couldn't wait for this to happen to them in the morning. 

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