chapter 10

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     Today was the day that they all start the first day as interns for " Hammond Enterprise. " They all were so excited about this opportunity once they woke up and got out of bed round 7am. They all needed to get ready and be on time today because of it being the first day on the job. they don't wanna be sent home before their day hasn't even started, yet. They all have got to come up with a strategy that was gonna work for them, so they don't be late and always on time for this job that they were assigned to them if they are serious enough to do so. 

     When their alarms went off at 7am they all got up out of bed to get ready for the day. The girls gave themselves about two hours to get ready and be down at the lobby right on time, so they get on with a good start with Lisa and Mr Hammond. They all were excited when they got out of bed to start the day. The girls didn't have to get in the shower this morning, so they went and got their hair done and get dressed. They had to make a good impression on Mr Hammond and His partner Frank. They could have a chance to see Frank from time to time and if they mess up they might get reported by him because he has some say in things that go on here at the " Enterprise. " 

   Meanwhile, the guys got up at 8am to start getting ready. That would be plenty of time for them to get ready and be on time for this breakfast at 9am.

Tim Wu-  Can't wait to get out of this room and start this internship job today. I wanna start doing something now because that is why we are here.

Palo- While everyone is here in Rome we are here you all are gonna see how nice this place really is, but if you lived here as long as i have you still might  not know where everything is at all.

Tim Wu- That might be true, but we all are up to learn as much as we can while we are here. 

Palo- That's great to hear that. 

When they were talking they were getting dressed and the things they would be needing  for the day. They wouldn't be allowed to go back to the rooms til the jobs are done for the day.

     9 am was coming up fast and they all needed to get to the lobby, so Lisa could check them all in before they all went to breakfast with Mr Hammond. They all left their rooms around 8:45 am to get down to the lobby. That gave them plenty of time to get down there. They would get down there with 5 minutes to spare which would be good on their part and Lisa was already down there to see what time everyone would arrive to the lobby. They made good time today and Lisa was proud of them for being early to start the internship. This showed her that everyone was serious about this job and that they wanted to do it for Mr Hammond. So, with that they all went to the dining hall to eat breakfast with Mr Hammond.

      Now when they all got done eating breakfast with Mr Hammond they all separated and went their own ways to go to the department that was assigned to them with the partner that was given to them as well. They all now we're more excited now that the jobs were starting at this point in time.

Job time

     Palo and Ally were gonna have to go out in the city today on these mo pads that were provided for them to get around for the jobs they have to do in the city. They would have at least four hours to get the job done and get back to report that they did the jobs. They couldn't ask for help. Palo should know his way around Rome since he has been there all his life so far. She was lucky to be working with him if nothing goes wrong. They grabbed the paper that they needed with instructions on what to do for the day and look it over and made sure they have what they would need before they would have to go out into the city to do the task that was given to them. Once they carefully looked over the paper to see where they were going they went and got on the mo pads and left. This was task one of the day. 

   Layla and Daria's job for the day was to get this CD from Mr Hammond and deliver it to someone. So, they went to Mr Hammond's office to go get the CD from him because the instructions said that is where they could go and get it. When the girls got to his office they knocked on the door.

Mr Hammond- Come on in.

The girls opened the door and walked right into his office to talk to him.

Mr Hammond- How may i help you girls today?

Daria- We are here to get a CD from you like the instructions say.

Mr Hammond- Oh, yes!! I have the disc right here and directions on how to get to the location to the building where the CD will be dropped off to. Just get it there on time and don't open it or break it. It's important to the people who are gonna be getting it once you both deliver it.

Lydia- We shall not let you down with this job. We wanna be able to make you proud of us of the good job we do for you and this enterprise you have going here.

Mr Hammond- Now with that said I would like for both of you to start your job.

After they got done talking to Mr Hammond they took what they got from him and started to look at the directions to where they were gonna be going to. And then headed on their way to the place.

      Hydie and Tim Wu headed on their way to the copier room because that was where they were assigned to. They were both thinking that this should be an easy job. Nothing could go wrong at all. Soon as they got in there they saw separate piles for each job that needed to be done by the end of the work day. They looked at the copier machine and it looked different than the one they were normally use to working with. But, they have to learn the ropes on this or they could be sent home. They started the job and hoped for the best.

     Mel was gonna deliver the mail to people and that shouldn't be to hard to do. She just has to know where everything is in the building where she will be taking the mail and then she will take the mail that people need to send out back to the mail room. This job sounded so boring, but someone had to do the job. When she got to the mail room someone was taking her through the process of the mail room and then showed her where each group of mail was gonna go to. She needed to pay close attention to this or it will be doomed to fail. 

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