chapter 25

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     When the interns got done picking out the right outfit for the fashion show they got the outfits on and then went straight to hair and make up. They needed to finish getting ready because they were gonna be pressured for time if they waste more time then they already had. Lisa needed them to get some things done before the people arrived and the show began. Everyone was working fast to get the and the models ready soon s they could.

    The stylist got the interns done around 11 pm in time to let them get the job done they need to get before people started to arrive around 1 pm. They found Lisa and went over to find out what they were suppose to be doing. She didn't tell the anything because she wanted to wait til they were done getting ready. She took one look at them and thought they looked great for this fashion show. She was pleased with what they picked out for this. Now with that she started to talk to them about what was going to go on. 

Lisa- First, off. I would like to say you all look great for this fashion show and glad you all picked the right things to wear. The stylist did a great job on the rest of how you look as well. Now with the things that you all need to get done now. I would like the guys to go and make sure everything is taken care of with the seats and then when people start to arrive I would like you to help them get seated as fast as possible. The girls are gonna stay here and help out with the models to make sure they get everything done before they go on stage. Then I want all of you to take your seats in the assigned area for you to watch the show when it's time. Now let's get things going right now because time flies by and we have a lot to do now.

Soon as she got done talking to them they all went to do the jobs that they were assigned to do. 

    The guys were down on the floor making sure that all the seats were taken care of with the other guys that were hired to help at this time. There were gonna be a lot of people attending this fashion show and 2 guys were not gonna be enough to seat all the people that will be coming. As they were down on the floor doing their job the girls checked in with the person who was in charge of all the model department to see what was needed to get the jobs done.

Ally- HI! we are the interns that are working for Mr Hammond. Lisa his assistant sent us here to help with the Models. We need to know what to do to help right now before we have to take our seats for the show.

The Woman- First, off. My name is Katie and I would like you to tell me our names, please.

( With that they told her their names and then she started to talk to them all again. )

Katie- Now I'm gonna take each of you girls to a model and the assistant working will tell you what they need help with and you will do what they say.

Hydie- Sounds good to us and we will do our best to do what we are told here to make this fashion show work for you all.

Katie- Thank you!

Once they got done talking they all followed Katie to a model and she introduced each of them. Then they all started to do the jobs they were told to do.

  In the meantime, Lisa went and found Mr Hammond to talk to him because he wanted her to do so once she got done with the interns. He was right outside the door to the room where the fashion show was being held at. He was talking to someone at the check in table. He was giving them instructions to do when the people got there. He had a curtain way he wanted things to go and they had to do so to make things run smoothly here. Once Mr Hammond got done talking to the person he was talking to he looked up and saw Lisa standing there. He knew why she was there and they stepped aside to talk about what they needed to.

Mr Hammond- So, are all the interns looking good for the show?

Lisa, Yes, sir. They look great.

Mr Hammond- Are the interns doing their jobs that have been assigned to them before it starts?

Lisa- Yes, and They will do a good job at, sir. I am going to go around and make sure.

Mr Hammond- Great!!! I'm gonna go make sure the rest of the people are doing their jobs right since you have your Eye on the interns then.

Lisa- See you soon.

Now they both went their own ways to keep an eye on things for awhile.

   Lisa went to see how the boys were doing with the seating soon as they both separated for awhile. She wanted to make sure they were handling things the way the others that were hired to do the job the right way. When she got to them she talked to one of the guys that were hired.

Lisa- Jake, Come here for a minute. I need to talk to you.

( Jake walks over to talk to Lisa )

Jake- Yes, what is it that you need to talk to me about, Lisa?

Lisa- I would like to Know how Palo and Tim Wu are doing at this seating job?

Jake- They are doing a good job so far at the task we are giving them right now. Just hope they can help seat the people the right way once they start to arrive.

Lisa- Ok, I'll see you later then. 

She takes off back stage to see how the girls are all doing at this time to make sure things are running smoothly and on time. This show can not run late because they have other things planned once it's over to attend to.

  Lisa arrived back stage to talk to Katie and see what was going on at the moment they were in to see how things were running here. Katie saw her and she knew why she would be back. She waved Lisa over to were she was at and they started to talk.

Lisa- So, how are the interns doing with the models?

Katie- So far, they are doing a good job at everything they are told to do. I'm glad they are here to help because we will be done right on time.

Lisa- That's great to hear that. I will let you all get back to your jobs now, so I don't slow you down since you all are on schedule.

Katie- Sounds good. 

Lisa left the room to go do some other stuff till the show began since everything was going so well.

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