Chapter 2 - Grocery shopping

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"Red, off me!" I groaned as my Golden Retriever decided that this morning would be a perfect opportunity to sit on my belly. "Red!" I repeated again and he whined, but got off me all the same. I threw him a glare and he sniffed the air, acting all high and mighty. "Cow," I grumbled under my breath and he gnawed on my covers before pulling them off me. I throw a string of curses to myself mentally for not locking my door last night before I went to bed.

I took a bath and then, headed down the kitchen to greet my Mum, with Red running down after me. I kissed her cheek and I sat down as she placed pancakes on my plate.

"Tee, are you free this afternoon?" she asked me as she passed me the syrup.

"Are you mocking me?" I asked her and she laughed that rich laugh of hers.

"No, I was just checking," she shrugged.

"I'm always free in the afternoon, you know that. What's up?" I asked her as I chewed on a big piece of pancake.

"I need you to go grocery shopping with Tristan later," she said as she reached up the fridge to retreive the shopping list.

"Okay, you want me to pick him up from school as well?" I asked her as I munched on my food.

"Yes, please!" she said as she started writing down what she wanted us to get.

I finished my food and she handed me the grocery list and some cash. I ran up to brush my teeth and to grab my pack when I heard something drop in the room across the hall. I rolled my eyes to myself and I walked to my little brother's room, cracking the door open.

"Everything going well in there, bud?" I asked him as I poked my head in.

"My sweatshirt," he whined and I laughed. I helped him put it on and then, fixed his clothes.

"There you go, buddy. Go grab your pack, I'm gonna wait downstairs," I said and he nodded, running over to the side of his bed to grab what he needed for school.

I ran down the stairs two at a time and I grabbed Tristan's shoes from the rack, as well as mine. I ran out and I started my car to cool it down. I went back into the house and I saw my dog wagging his tail at me. "Fine, go on," I said and I stepped aside to let him out. He ran out to the backyard where he played around. Tristan finally came down and he went into the kitchen to say bye to Mum.

"Oh, by the way Mum, Red's in the backyard!" I yelled as I jumped into my car after strapping Tristan's seat belt for him.

"That dog!" Mum said playfully from the kitchen, but I knew she was going to let him in later after he's done playing.

"Hey Tristan, we have to go grocery shopping later, so, I'll pick you up after school, okay?" I told him and he jumped up and down excitedly on his seat.

"Yay! Okay!" he gave me a toothy grin.

"Okay, great," I fist pumped him and I dropped him off at school.

I drove to my school and I was about to repeat what I did the previous morning, only to have my thoughts interrupted by a shout. I turned around and someone crashed into me. I fell back on my ass and I groaned from the impact.

"Woah, watch where you're going," I said as I stood up with the girl's help and she smiled at me sheepishly.

"Sorry, you were standing there like a fish and I shouted at you, but I couldn't stop in time," she laughed. "I'm Julianne by the way!" she stretched her hand out to me.

I looked down on it and she raised it up higher, making me take it and shake it. "Tiana," I replied shortly and she 'oohh-ed'.

"So, you're the Tiana Jacobs!" she giggled as she walked next to me.

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