Chapter 34 - Parties and the consequences of getting caught drunk

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I leaned against my chair and I shook the glass of champagne in a circular motion, watching the liquid inside it swirl around.

I was already in the ballroom of one of the Jacobs' hotel chains where the party was being held and it was safe to say that I was bored to death.

Liam was with one of our cousins, Damon, trying to get to know the females in the party.

Or so they told me. I knew for a fact that they were competing on who would get the most numbers by the end of the night.

Mum and Dad were going around, talking to some of their friends and Tristan was hanging out with the kids in the party.

And then there's me: the loner. I have been sitting here the moment dinner started and even though dinner was long done and everyone has moved around to socialize, I was still sitting down at the table.

See, my anti-social self chose tonight to resurface and take control over me.

Oh, and Julianne is also here, but her Dad is introducing her to some of the people he knows and she can't get out of it just yet so we can't turn the party wild.

Who am I kidding, we'd crash in the kitchen and pig out while sitting on the steps of the backdoor.

I heard girls squealing and giggling and I chose to ignore it because it might just be one of the girl cliques and their never ending fascination with how the members of the opposite sex moved.

"Blade Jackson's here!" one of the girls passing behind me giggled and my head snapped up at the mention of Blade's name.

True enough, he was walking into the ballroom, his fine self in a tuxedo and a tie. I smiled and I watched him looking around like a lost person until his eyes zeroed in on me. He grinned and I stood up, walking over to him and he walked towards me, planning to meet me halfway.

We stopped in front of each other and we were just grinning from ear to ear and I reached up, wrapping my arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around my waist, effectively lifting me off the ground and he crushed me against him. He nestled his face at the crook of my neck and he kissed it gently. "I missed you, sunshine." he said, his voice husky.

"I missed you too. You didn't even tell me you were coming tonight." I said and he set me down on my feet.

"Surprise!" he grinned that boyish smile I fell in love with and I laughed at him. "You look breath-taking, sweetheart," he said and I blushed at his compliment. He took hold of my chin and tilted it up, capturing my lips with his.

The kiss was brief, but it made me feel like the luckiest girl around, it made me feel so loved.

Blade placed his forehead on mine, the both of us smiling at each other like goof balls. "Wanna meet Grams?" I asked him and he nodded. He grabbed hold of my hand and placed it on his arm as we walked towards where my grandparents were. "Hey, Grams, Gramps?" I said and they looked up to see me. "This is Blade Jackson, my boyfriend." I smiled and Blade kissed the back of Grams' hand and shook Gramps' hand.

"Happy Birthday, Mrs. Jacobs," he said, smiling at my grandmother.

"Thank you, my dear. Did I hear correctly? You're Tiana's boyfriend?" she asked and Blade nodded.

Gramps chuckled, "I'm glad there's someone to tone down my granddaughter's craziness." he said and I groaned.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, son," Gramps slapped Blade's back and Blade smiled at him.

"Yes, the pleasure's ours," Grams smiled lovingly at Grams before turning to us. "Go and say hello to your parents, darling."

I nodded and I took Blade to where my parents were and they said hello and asked Blade how he was before we excused ourselves at the sight of my brother waving like a spastic.

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