Chapter 7 - In a span of three days

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"Fuck you, Blade Jackson!" I yelled out a war-cry and I ran towards him, loading my Nerf gun.

You wanna know what went down after school today? Wait, lemme rephrase that. We didn't finish school. Blade and West, giving Julianne and I fake information that school was out early for the seniors today, drove us to his house (which is a bloody mansion, by the way), only to find ourselves faced with multiple Nerf guns in the pool area.

He split the four of us into two teams, West and I in one team and Blade with Julianne. He proposed that if one team wins the war, the other team will be their slaves for three whole days. Of course, West and I being the prideful people we are, didn't back down and that leads us to what I was doing.

I was crouched down behind the wall, trying to load my Nerf gun, but someone decided that it'll be cool to drench me with pool water. I looked up to see Blade holding back his laughter and I growled. I immediately ran around to run after him. He managed to run properly after nearly slipping on his own shoelaces.

I shot him with my gun and made a mad dash for it where West was. I didn't know where Julianne was, but I'm pretty sure she's not functioning well right now. I mean, she's the type to just clasp her hand together and day dream about the Prince Charming of her dreams, A.K.A. Blade Jackson.

"Now, Jules!" he yelled and I stopped dead in my track.

What? Julianne was participating in this? I looked at West and he gave me a questioning look as well. The next thing we know, we were crouched down, trying to avoid the multiple bullet coming from everywhere and I groaned in frustration knowing that this was all Blade's doing.

When the whole episode was done, a bell rang that signalled the end of the match. Blade and Julianne walked towards us, a smug look on their faces indicating we lost. West and I gave each other looks and we sighed.

"Oh, come on!" I threw my hands up in frustration and Blade smirked at me.

"You're my slave for the next three days," he shrugged and I sighed in defeat.

"Screw my ego and my pride! I shouldn't have tried to beat you in the bloody Nerf War!" I shot him a look and he laughed, ushering me to go on.

I took a deep breath and I started running towards the Principal who had his back turned to me. I shook my head to myself and when I was near him, I jumped and I grabbed his wig, weaving through the crowd of students to avoid detection.

I met Blade, West and Julianne at the cafeteria and I danced with me wiggling the wig. They burst out laughing and  cheered. I took a seat next to West and Blade high fived me.

"And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how you piss your Principal off!" Blade said proudly as he announced to everyone who were also cheering.

The cheering died down and I looked around in surprise. What's going on? And then, I saw him at the entrance of the cafeteria. I ducked my head, thinking that if I didn't see him, he didn't see me. But I fucking saw him!

"TIANA JACOBS, IN MY OFFICE, NOW!" he yelled and I sighed. I got up and I turned to face the Principal, but burst out laughing because he looked hilarious with the net above his head. I just stood there, clutching my stomach while I laughed and someone threw something at my back. I picked up the Principal's wig.

"Uhhh, here you go?" I said, waving the wig on top of my head and I swear, he went ballistic on me.

I got out of the Principal's Office, knowing that West, Blade and Julianne were waiting for me outside. Blade barked out a laugh when he saw me and West followed. Julianne was the only one who actually looked as if she felt bad and she went over to me.

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