Chapter 28 - Cute I love you's

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I laughed as Blade rounded the couch to catch me. He laughed with me and I made a mad dash around the living room – careful not to knock anything down – as he jumped over the couch to catch me. Squirming under the hold he had on me, I started laughing and gasping and whacking him as he started tickling my sides, making me scream out unattractive noises.

We’re currently in his house right now. We were supposed to go out and cycle, but we were halfway to the lake when it started pouring, so, we cycled all the way here like cyclists on steroids. Oh yeah, Bolt has nothing on us, bitches!

But he’s a runner… Whatever.

By the time we got to their front door, – ahem, excuse me, double doors that were huge – we were soaked head to toe and we had to get changed. He told me to get some clothes from his sister’s room and shower there while he showered in his room. It was cold out and I snuck in his room while he was downstairs, making some amazing smelling hot chocolate and took one of his oversized hoodies from his closet.

We were lazing around, watching movies while drinking hot chocolate when I made a comment about him being the cutest thing ever which led us to this situation right now. He demanded I take back what I said because according to him, 6’4” (masculine) soccer players aren’t to be called cute. Not even by their girlfriends.

Well, as you can see, I refused.

Yes, that’s right, I refused.

My stubbornness gets me to places I’ve never thought I’d go to.

“Okay, I take it back!” I yelled and he stopped tickling me.

“See, that wasn’t so hard, was it?” he winked at me and I kicked the side of his face. Literally. He didn’t expect it, so, he lost his balance and he fell. I barked out a laugh and I ran towards the stairs.

When they say ‘Never run towards the stairs if anyone’s chasing you’, you should take that advice to heart. Halfway to freedom, strong arms caught my waist and I writhed like I was in unbearable pain and Blade fell on the couch with an ‘oomf’. I doubled over laughing at that.

Attractive, I know.

Blaine held my hand and he pulled me towards him. I stood in front of him, holding both his hands, and he sat up straight, looking up at me. He smiled and I returned it.

“I love you,” he whispered and I smiled even more, if that was possible

His whisper could only be heard by the both of us and even though we were the only one in the living room, I felt special. Special because he fell in love with a wreck like me, with someone who normally wouldn’t be worth his time and his effort and his love, but here we are, grinning at each other like mad people.

I bent down and I pressed my lips to his, lingering there for a little bit more. “I love you back,” I whispered against his lips and he pulled away to cup my face in his hands.

“Really?” he asked, surprised. I nodded and he chuckled. “Took you long enough,” he said as he pressed his lips to mine and this time, I kissed him back.

Did I want this relationship with Blade?


Did I want to fall in love with him even more as the days pass?


I didn’t know falling in love was this intoxicating. Addicting, if you will.

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