Chapter 3 - Shopping spree

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It's been days since I've collided with Max and Lindsey in the supermarket and guess what I'm doing now? That's right, I'm watching Spongebob with my brother! How great can my Saturday get? Note the sarcasm, guys.

"Love, don't you have anywhere to go to?" she asked me as she was passing by the living room to go to the kitchen.

"You're mocking me again!" I called after her and she laughed.

"I'm not! Don't you have friends, Tee?" she said, poking her head out to look at me.

I gave her a bland look. "What kind of a mother are you?!" I fake wailed and she shrugged.

"I don't know? The kind one?" she said, fully stepping out of the kitchen and sat next to me, holding a carrot in her hand. "I just want you to be happy on your last school year," she added.

"Mum, that won't change my thoughts about moving away," I said softly.

"Oh, Tee," she said and she hugged me sideways. "Tell you what. Go out to the mall today and buy whatever you want!" she grinned.

"There's nothing I wanna buy," I said and she sighed.

"Okay, on my expense," she said defeatedly.

"WOOHOO!" I jumped up and I kissed her cheek. "BEST MUM IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD!" I yelled and I ran up to take a shower.

I got into my skinny jeans, a black Darth Vader t-shirt and red Vans. I look at myself in the mirror and I sighed. I'm always going to be the geek, aren't I? Yeah, I'll always be. *insert self depressing words here*. I jogged down the stairs and I saw Tyler looking at me with puppy dog eyes.

"Aww, I can't, Ty," I said softly, patting his head. "You've got play group today," I told him and he pouted even more.

"I can skip play group," he grinned.

"Tiana, what have you been teaching your brother?!" Mum called from the kitchen.

"Nothing!" I said immediately and I turned to my brother, putting my finger up against my mouth. "Shhh, kid," I said softly.

He giggled. "Does that mean I get to have donuts later?" he asked me.

"Ugh. Sneaky little ba--," I caught myself before I let the word out. "Okay, I'll get you donuts. Be good in play group, okay?" I told him as he hugged my torso and he nodded, running towards the couch so he could continue watching Spongebob. "Mum, I'm going!" I called and she emerged from the kitchen.

"Here," she smiled as she passed me her card.

"Mum, I'm not buying that much, you know," I said and she waved her hand dismissively.

"You're a girl, can you for once, act like it?" she laughed and she kissed my forehead before smiling down at me. "Have fun," she smiled and I nodded.

"I'll be back soon!" I called from the door and she told me that I could be back any time I want, as long as I stayed safe.

I drove to the mall and walked around slowly, looking at things. I didn't feel like buying anything, honestly. My wardrobe is okay, I have games, I have shoes. There's nothing to get! I spotted Ben and Jerry's, so, I went over and got myself ice cream. I was sitting down all by myself, eating quietly when someone slipped on the booth in front of me.

"Hello, babe," she winked and I groaned.

"Come on! I pray for fun today and you appear!" I said, exasperated.

"Awww," she pouted and she laughed at me. "I'm not that bad, you know. So, what are you doing here?" she asked me.

"Mum told me get whatever the hell I wanted from the mall," I shrugged.

"See, thank God for my fashion senses and my amazing timings. Come on, fat ass, we're going!" Julianne clapped her hands together as she dragged me out of the booth. I sighed as I continued eating my ice cream.

We went into a botique selling chic dresses and other things. Julianne took one look at me and started grabbing clothes from different racks and she finally took the clothes, pushed them into my hands and shoved me into the dressing room.

"Julianne, what the hell?!" I growled from the dressing room, looking at the things she got me.

"What?" she said and I could almost hear her smirking.

"I'm not auditioning to be a cheerleader!" I whined and she laughed.

"Hey, they're not bad. Come on, mix and match and let me see!" she said and I sighed.

I started mix matching things and I sighed before walking out every single time she wanted to see what I've got. After half an hour of arguing and yelling at each other, she forcibly asked me to purchase three dresses, two tops and two shorts. I glared at her the whole time the lady was encoding the clothes and she looked back at me, feigning innocence.

"You're mad," I whined as we got to the fourth shop.

"Please, I'm your saviour. Now, try those on!" she instructed me and I took a step forward, falling flat on my face. I heard her laughing and I threw her a glare.

"I don't do heels, Julianne!" I complained and she rolled her eyes.

"Sure, you don't. Come on, one more time! Atta girl!" she said, helping me up.

I tried once more and I was so fed up. I sat down on the floor, ripping the heels away from my aching feet. "Can we just please, get flats," I gave up and Julianne winked at me.

"I suggested that in the beginning, but you were so against it! See where being negative gets you?" she tapped away on her phone and she dragged me across the shop, taking different pairs of flats for me to try on.

At the end of the gruelling shopping spree, I had a total of seven bags in my hands and an annoying Julianne tagging behind me.

"It's not funny, Julianne," I shot her a look and she started laughing again.

"What? It is funny, Tee. I mean, look at you. A geek turned fashionista," she said, eyeing me up and down.

"Shut up," I muttered and I saw a game shop. "Hey, hold these for me," I said, shoving the bag towards her and she opened her mouth to speak, but I cut her off. "I'll be back soon, I promise!" I yelled and I ran towards the shop.

When inside, I grabbed some games and I went over to the counter to pay. I took my wallet out and paid by cash because I didn't want Mum to pay for my games. I mean, they're my games and I've been saving up for them. Plus, Mum would kill me if she found out I bought more games. She thinks a female gamer is just weird. Especially if her daughter's one. She's weird!

I got out to find an annoyed Julianne and she glared at me before tapping her feet, waiting for me to get to her.

"Games, really, Tee? Games?" she accused.

"Yeah, games. They're cool," I shrugged and I took the  bags from her.

"You're a girl!" she said, exasperated.

"What? Girls can't play games?" I eyed her and she glared at me.

"Act like one!" she said and I rolled my eyes.

"You can come over to my house and try playing one of my games. You won't want to go home after that," I laughed and she smiled immediately.

"Okay, I'm coming over today!" she said excitedly.

"No!" I immediately deadpanned and she rolled her eyes.

"You already said it! No taking back!" she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Oh, come on! I ask God for patience and He gives me you!" I threw my hands up in the air for exaggeration and she giggled.

"Come on, we've gotta buy snacks!" she said, dragging me off to wherever.

And so, we ended up in my room, with my brother eating his donuts happily, watching Julianne and I screaming at my TV while playing a game. Julianne grabbed some ships and threw it at my TV because she died and I threw her a look.

"You're cleaning that up," I eyed her.

"Nope," she popped the 'p' and I groaned in annoyance.

"GOD!" I yelled and she laughed.

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