Chapter 19 - Snappyville

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I leaned against the wall at the corner leading to the Study Hall. Blade was walking there because his Biology class was right in front of mine and well, I know it's been three days since he confessed to me, but I've been doing my best job of avoiding him!

Don't get me wrong, I do like Blade. More than a friend, but I can't seem to focus whenever he's around - especially after his confession. One look and that's all it would take for my resolve to crumble and blurt out my feelings right then and there.

Just kidding, that's too much, but you do get the point.

I heaved a sigh of relief when he finally got into class and turned to walk to my class when I bumped into none other than Nick Petersons himself. He was grinning and I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion because well, for one, I don't talk to Nick Petersons and two, he looks like a psycho murderer.

"Can we talk?" he asked.

"No can do," I said and I turned around to go to my class, but he caught up to me.

"Come on, I'll take you to ice cream. We need to talk about Julienne," he informed me and I stopped dead in my tracks.

Julienne? What is this douche bag planning? "Fine. One hour, though. Only one hour. I've got Biology right after this and I don't want to be late," I told him and I followed him to his car.

Scooping up cookie dough ice cream into my spoon, I brought it up to my mouth. "So, let me get this straight, Lindsey flirted with you for one night and ditched you the following school day for who was it again?" I asked him.

"Darren Miller," he said, rolling his eyes because he's reminded me a couple of times now.

"Yes, that dude," I said, waving my spoon around animatedly. "And now, you want to make it up to Julianne because you knew she was way over the top jealous and wouldn't talk to you?" I clarified.

"That is right," he nodded.

"You, my dear friend, are a fucking douche bag," I said, my mouth full of ice cream. "You're a little bit better now that you brought me for ice cream, but seriously?" I raised my eyebrow at him. "You knew she liked you!" I pointed the spoon accusingly at him.

"I found out a two weeks ago," he pointed out.

"And which asshole ratted it out?" I asked.

"My sources prefer to remain anonymous," he winked. "But seriously, I want to make it up to her. I've known her ever since we were in diapers and I didn't think of her... like that, not until I started noticing her. I know I sound like a total liar and a douche bag," I cut him off.

"Talking or not talking, you're already a liar and a douche bag, no doubt," I said and he groaned.

"And here I thought you're going to help me!" he whined.

"I will, when you convince me to," I shrugged.

"Then stop interrupting me!" he added.

"Then stop breathing," I snapped and he chuckled. Bipolar bastard.

I glared at Nick as I got out of his car, slipping into the mad throng of students in the hallway for change of classes. Nick winked at me and disappeared out of nowhere and I sighed. Time to get this show on the road! I walked over to Julienne and when she spotted me, she slammed her locker door shut, making me flinch at the sound of it.

"Julienne," I called out and she glared at me before walking away. I was taken aback by what she just did. What did I do now? I groaned to myself and walked over to my locker, taking my Biology book out. I walked to my class and got seated at my normal seat.

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