Chapter 32 - The Mafia Family Dinner; Just kidding

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"Munchkin, wake up!" someone shook me awake and I groaned, still wanting to get more sleep. "It's six in the afternoon and we're supposed to be in the Club House by seven for dinner!" he shook me awake again and I reluctantly got up, thankful for the fact that my headache was now replaced with throbbings.

Well, that was a great improvement.

I saw Troy standing there with nothing but his jersey shorts on, looking better than what he looked like this morning. I guess even hot guys have hangover issues, huh.

I got up and made a bee line to the en suite and I took a bath with cold water that helped the headache that was still lingering there. I wore a pair of denim shorts and a plain gray t-shirt, shoving my feet into my Converse shoes and then blow drying my hair. I applied some concealer for the bags under my eyes and then put on some eyeliner, mascara and then dabbing lip gloss on.

I grabbed my wallet and my phone before walking out of my room and jogging down to the foyer.

"Hey, we're just waiting for Gabe and Lisa," Una said and I nodded, lounging around with a few of my cousins.

Troy wrapped an arm around my shoulder and leaned against me. "Wow, Tee, your hold on your liqour is good," he suddenly commented, making Una laugh and high five him.

"Who taught you how to drink?" Una laughed.

"Are you really wondering?" Liam asked from behind me and we turned around to see him jogging down the stairs, holding a bottle of water. He downed some aspirin and he stood next to me. "But she's a natural drunkard, this kid right here," he grinned and he ruffled my hair, making me huff and slap his hand away, fixing my hair.

"And I thought Gabe was the strongest one among us," Lisa said as she descended down the stairs.

"Hey, bitches!" Gabe greeted from behind her and Lisa rolled her eyes at him.

We went out of the mansion doors and just as we did so, a black car stopped right in front of us, making us stop. Troy gave Liam a weird look because we were all talking about taking the van to the Club House; a car just won't fit all ten of us.

The car door was opened by Grams' butler and someone stepped out of it, clad in designer clothes. She took one look at all of us and lowered her sunglasses. "Well, hello there, cousins," she greeted with a smooth voice.

"Did Victoria Beckham hold a yard sale?" Una said, giggling, giving the woman a once over.

The woman smiled at her fakely and then turned to Troy. "Hello, Troy," she greeted him with a smile.

"Hey, Candice." he nodded towards here.

"Are you guys going over to the Club House? Is it okay if I went with you guys?" she asked.

Nicole laughed, "You must be joking, Candice, of course it's not okay. We're leaving. See you there," she waved goodbye and walked ahead towards the black van parked in the space where the black car was just moments ago.

"Aw, Nicole, I missed you too," Candice cooed.

"I don't recall saying I missed you," Nicole said in a sing song voice and slammed the door shut the moment I got into the car last. "Oh my God, she infuriates me!" she groaned and I gave Una a puzzled look.

It was as if Una knew what I was going to ask and she answered my unasked question. "That's Candice Jacobs, second child of Albert Jacobs, the most bitter member of the family. That guy never smiles." she added.

"I met him in the hospital," I told her and Liam butted into the conversation.

"Does he always look like he wants to murder people?" he asked.

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