Chapter 26 - The long awaited date

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I paced around my room, trying to get rid of the nerves and Julianne groaned from the couch as she played one of my games. "Stop pacing, you look perfect!" she scolded and she screamed because she died. "This is your entire fault!" she whined.

"Do I look presentable? I mean, I don't want to come across as over bearing and," I ignore her accusing stare and she rolled her eyes.

"You look fine. Now, shut up and let me restart my game," she shot me a look and she turned around, turning her attention back on the game. The doorbell rang and I shrieked a little and Julianne jumped from the couch. "Now, don't go down just yet, let him know you're not anticipating this as much as you are," she took a good look at me. "Oh damn it, screw playing hard to get! You won't go down unless someone pushes you down the stairs!" she said and she shoved me out of my room.

I shot her a menacing look and she rolled her eyes at me. "I can do this," I did a little pep talk and Julianne hollered.

"I'll be right here when you come home," she gave me a tight hug. "Now go, enjoy yourself, breast friend," she winked and I nodded, walking down the stairs.

"You look beautiful," Mum whispered from the kitchen and I gave her a secret smile.

"Hey," I greeted Dad and Blade who were chatting by the door. Dad turned around and he gave me a big smile.

"Hey," Blade grinned as I walked towards them. "You look amazing," he said as I gave him a quick hug. "Here," he passed me a bouquet of flowers and I thanked him before I placed it on the nearest table.

"Dad, we're going," I hugged Dad and he hugged me back.

"Be back by 10," he reminded and I nodded.

"Bye, Mr. Jacobs," Blade said politely and I waved goodbye to Dad as Blade and I approached his car. He opened the car door for me and I got in.

"So, where are we going?" I asked him as he started the car.

"You're going to have to wait and see," he winked at me and I groaned.

"Are you for real?" I whined.

"As a matter of fact, yes," he laughed.

"Are we there yet?" I asked for the umpteenth time.

"Almost," Blade kissed the back of my hand that he was holding onto while driving.

"Thank God," I muttered under my breath and Blade turned to me at a stop light.

"You don't like surprises, do you?" he said, clearly amused.

"No. The last time I got a surprise was the worst. Liam asked for a clown on my 16th birthday and I'm scarred for life," I huffed and Blade burst out laughing.

"You're scared of clowns?" he said, surprised at the new fact he learned about me. "That's why you got so mad when I said 'Come on, clown, smile!' in the Theme Park?" he laughed even more.

"Stop laughing!" I hit his arm with my free hand and he continued to laugh while he drove for a green light. "It's not funny," I pouted.

"You're right, it's hilarious," he calmed down from his laughing fits and I shot him a look. "Why did Liam even ask for a clown on your 16th birthday? What's the theme?" he joked.

"There wasn't any theme. It was just a small celebration with my family and then, this retarded looking clown walked in on it and I almost murdered him," I mumbled.

"Are you for real?" he snorted out a laugh.

"As a matter of fact, yes," I repeated his line and he stopped the car.

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