Chapter 5 - Dirty Dodgeball

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I looked over to Julianne and she rolled her eyes, making me smirk and turn back to where the teacher was standing. I was twirling my pen around my fingers and I was resting my jaw on my right palm. My thoughts were jumbled up and I had no idea what the hell the teacher was talking about. I looked at the wall clock and I sighed. Come on, a few more seconds, the lunch bell is gonna ring...

Don't judge me! I love food and if you hadn't noticed, Julianne decided to drag me out of the house, depriving me of my breakfast. Another Julianne trait we all have to avoid, guys. She's deadly. The bell finally rang, signalling lunch break. I immediately jumped out of my seat and went over to Julianne. She was chatting with a guy, twirling her hair on her finger, obviously flirting.

"Come on, Lil Red," I dragged her off and she smacked my shoulder when we were in the corridor.

"The hell, Tee?!" she pouted and she walked next to me. "The guy was asking for my number!" she sulked.

"And you deprived me of my breakfast. Some things you've got to sacrifice for the needs of others," I winked at her and we entered the cafeteria.

We got into the queue and I took three slices of pizza, cheese fries, yoghurt and a can of soda. Julianne rolled her eyes at me and called me a fat pig, but I waved my hand at her dismissively. We exited the queue and someone called out to me. I turned around and I saw a couple of girls waving at me.

"Hey, Tiana, Julianne!" they waved and I cocked an eyebrow at Julianne.

"Bitches not giving us any choice," she scowled, but plastered a smile on her face as she walked to the table, making me follow her.

"Hey, girls," Lindsey smiled at us. "We have space," she gestured to two people to get out of their seats, so, they did and they exited the cafeteria, looking back at us with scowls on their faces.

"But those girls," I started and Lindsey waved a hand at me dismissively.

"They're fine with it. Come on, sit down," she smiled sweetly, but I could see the guard she had.

Julianne and I sat next to each other and some girls gasped. I looked up and I gave them a weird look. "There's so much carbs in those!" one cheerleader said and I rolled my eyes.

"I honestly don't care," I said and I grabbed a pizza and ate it, still making eye contact with them and they cringed, as if disgusted.

"Yeah, guys, pizza's all good?" Lindsey said, wait, more of like a question.

"Oh, yeah? You want some?" I smiled at her and she shook her head instantly.

"I've no appetite today," she declined and I laughed internally. Ahhh, Queen Bee, Queen Bee. "So, are you guys going to Blaine's party this Friday night?" she inquired and a chorus of 'yes' were heard. She looked at me and she cocked her head to the side. "Tiana, Julianne?" she asked.

"Yep, we are!" Julianne answered for me and I choked on my pizza a little.

"Balls," I muttered under my breath and I chugged down the soda I had.

"Hey, babe," a deep voice sounded behind me and I saw Max walking over to us.

"Hey, gorgeous," Lindsey giggled and Max slipped down next to her, placing his tray in front of me.

"Oh, hey, Tiana," he smiled and I gave a small smile back. "You both knew each other?" he asked Lindsey.

"Yeah, I mean, Tiana's really cool. Right, girls?" she asked everyone on the table and they nodded their head, fake smiling, making me scowl to myself. These skanks...

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