Chapter 27 - Birthday surprise, carnival and cereals

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"Do you want to give him a heart attack?" I shot daggers at Nick and he shrugged.

"He's not like you, scared of clowns," he laughed.

"Who the hell told you?" I groaned in annoyance.

"Yeah, well, your brother isn't the most discreet person around," he shrugged. "He was practically telling it to everyone the day after your 16th birthday," he smirked

"He's going to get it from me," I muttered to myself.

"I think the plan's great," Julianne agreed.

"Fine, fine! We'll go on with the plan!" I raised my hands up in exaggeration and Blade laughed beside me.

We were going to use Football and Soccer practice time to throw West his surprise birthday party. We've asked the Coach (they had to agree, their Captains were the ones asking and everyone just seemed to love West. I don't get why, don't ask me) and we were making plans the day before his actual birthday.

We were planning to act normal around West and not mention anything about his birthday. Everyone he's close with were doing the same, pretending to forget his birthday and by the time school lets out and it's time for practices, he'll be surprised that we've actually gotten a birthday party for him.

"I feel bad," I mumbled and Julianne laughed.

"I do too, but he's going to love it," she assured me and I just nodded.

"If he kills us, I'll be the first one to bail," I told all of them.

"Just remember the time he pushed you down the highest slide in the Water Park and your hatred will come back," Julianne recalled and I laughed.

"Yeah, I hate West right now," I said and I started eating. I saw West walking towards our table, saying hi to some people and he sat down opposite Blade and I. "Hey West," I smiled at him and he grinned back.

"What's up, baby panda?" he asked as he ate the food on his tray.

"What time are you coming down to school tomorrow? Cuz I have to get to school early to do some laps, Julianne has to finish up some of her research so she's staying over mine like the hobo she is," Julianne shot me a playful glare and I rolled my eyes at her. "And Blade's coming down early for Soccer practice," I finished.

West shrugged. "I feel sluggish in the morning," he was going to continue but Blade snorted.

"You always do, we're not even surprised," he said.

"Shut up, ass," West laughed. "I'll probably take a cab, I don't think I can wake up that early to go over your house and eat the glorious breakfast you have every day," he said.

"I'll ask Mum to pack you breakfast, so just take a cab to school and open my locker," I laughed.

"I love your family," he winked at me.

"Yup, I love my family too," I smirked at him.

"Are you guys doing anything tomorrow?" he asked us. We all nodded and he grumbled. "What's going on?" he asked.

"Tristan's wanted to go to a carnival, so Tee and I are taking him," Blade spoke up from beside me.

"What are you, a happy family?" West rolled his eyes.

"I smell jealousy in the air!" Blade fist pumped Nick and I rolled my eyes at them, still laughing.

"I've got a date," Julianne giggled from next to Nick and West grumbled even more.

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