Chapter 31 - Grams and the cousin's sunflower hat

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A/N: I am so sorry I have not been updating for such a long period of time! Don't stone me! :/ I've been cooped up with going back to the Philippines because my Aunt passed away from Stage Four Leukemia and I found out a day after it happened, so that meant I took a flight from Singapore to Manila in the middle of the night. Also, it took us two weeks in the Province and then the rest were history. I thought that my going back to Singapore would mean that I could relax, but noooo, such fantasies do not come true!

I was bombarded with work and different schedules like going for some events and then meeting certain people - who were by the way, a total waste of my time - and even more work so I hope you forgive this little ninja for not being able to update! :(

Oh and yes, I noticed that Skyline has had thirty chapters now and I assure you, it'll be long finished before it even reaches fifty. I'm still pretty new to this and I hope the next time I write a story, it'd be something that went straight to the point; I'm just trying to show the growth in Tiana's overall character and the love she has for Blade.

So kudos to you who has read this far into my rant; thank you for not skipping it!

I'm sorry again and I am so stoked for the next few chapters I've drafted!

Lots of love from the Authie,


P.S.: This Chapter is more like a filler! Ugh, I can't get my brain ironed out straight! Sorrey.


Do you have an older brother? An older brother who can make any call he wants and get away with it?

Well hot damn, chica, you know how I feel!

You see, Liam was supposed to be sitting right next to me in the hospital room looking after Dad's Mum, but do you wanna guess where my oh-so-amazing brother went to?

Don't ask, I have no idea where, I was just pretending.

He dropped me off here using one of Dad's many cars and told me he'll come back with breakfast. Seven hours, forty eight minutes and thirty four seconds later, he is still not done getting breakfast.

What an inconsiderate asshole.

Oh, and let's not ignore the fact that Dad's Mum has been sleeping the moment I got here. Yes, for seven hours straight now.

Now before you call her amazing, she's obviously pretending. Her eyeballs are rolling around under her closed eyelids.

"You can wake up, you know," I called out to her and her eyes snapped open, making me roll my eyes at her.

She sighed and she slowly opened her eyes. "It's that obvious?"

I gave her a look that says "You think?"

She sighed and we lapsed into a tensed silence, one I am definitely not grateful for. She finally broke it by speaking up first. "I know you can't forgive me for everything I've done in the past, but I want to make things right and only if you'll let me."

She sounded so sincere, so genuine and it made me think that if I could give my Dad one more shot at things, why can't she get one?

"Okay, we'll try it."


Aunt Priscilla came and told me that she'll take over the watch for Grams, so, I went out of the hospital, already thinking about getting a cab when a car stopped in front of me, making me scream in fright. The windshield rolled down to reveal a grinning Damon and I narrowed my eyes at him.

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