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Hi everyone..
I just want to add a short scene from my story Chance..

This is after the scene when Steve fetched Natasha when her car broke while raining and he's with Sharon..

I was with Sharon, waiting for her to finished her duty at work then my phone rings..
Tony: Steve!! There's a problem!!
Steve: (on Tony's voice, I can tell that this is really a serious problem) what was it?
Tony: Emergency!! Go to Shield's Hospital NOW!! Clint is in Emergency room..
Steve: Okay I will be there!!

I rushed to the hospital to see what happened to Clint. When we came there (I'm with Sharon) I saw Natasha, Tony and Pepper outside the ER..
S: what happened to him? is he okay?
T: He overdose his self because Laura broke up to him.. He also drink some clothes detergent..

Then the doctor came out..
Doctor: He's okay now..
Nat: Can we see him?
Doctor: Yes..


Nat: Oh God Clint. Don't do that again!! you almost give me a heart attack! what are you feeling right now? Do you want something?
Clint: water.. please..

Nat exit the room to get Clint some water then Steve come to him..

Steve: Hey buddy.. Don't ever do that again okay?
Clint: Steve.. She left me... :'(
S: Remember when I'm on that situation? What did you tell me? you told me that sooner or later everything will be okay right? I will be fine, I will move on and fine the right girl for me.. Clint, you are right.. I slowly accept everything, then I met Sharon.. which she showed me that there is hope.. and eventually things get better everyday..

Nat POV: I heard what Steve said to Clint. I think Sharon also saw me peeking in the door. So I just cough to give them a hint that I'm already here and enter the room. I give Clints water.. and said my goodbye to him..

While on my way out.. All I can think was Steve, what he said to Clint. If I can just turn back time.. I just wished I didn't heard what he said..

RED IN MY LEDGER. Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt